Secrets come to light when Celeste and her girlfriend Sara try an edible marijuana cookie.
Secrets come to light when Celeste and her girlfriend Sara try an edible marijuana cookie.
Production Coordinator
Tronco (Justin Timberlake) parte para uma jornada de descobertas e aventuras ao lado de Poppy (Anna Kendrick), líder dos Trolls. Inicialmente inimigos, conforme os desafios são superados eles descobrem que no fundo combinam.
Two Chileans, Daniela and Tomas, meet in Philadelphia. Daniela is the daughter of a former political prisoner, tortured during Pinochet's dictatorship. Tomas is the son of the physician that tortured her father. Both have been forced to deal with a past that doesn't belong to them, and together they will find a space to question their roles and their heritage.