Benjamin Weber


Zwei Erben sind einer zu viel
Location Manager
Ex-con Konrad Kühn smells a quick buck with the sale of a seemingly uninhabited house on the Baltic Sea. He claims to be the sole heir, but someone is living in the supposedly uninhabited house: Clara Mensen. Together with her friend Valeska, she tries everything to prevent the sale. Also because Mayor Flasskamp wants to close the deal with Kühn very quickly. He already owns the neighboring property and could finally implement his plans for a large hotel. But the two have made their plan without Clara Mensen. She discovers Kühn's true identity. And Kühn learns a secret about Clara Mensen. The two rivals suddenly have to work together to save their own skins.
Souls: Lost Tapes
Eyewitnesses report strange apparitions after downloading a mysterious app.
Souls: Lost Tapes
Eyewitnesses report strange apparitions after downloading a mysterious app.
Executive Producer
Quando forçado a escolher entre perder sua melhor amiga ou destruir sua família, uma adolescente lésbica do Bronx manipula identidades conflitantes e enfrenta frustração e desgosto em uma busca desesperada de afirmação sexual.
German splatter short.