Andreas Björklund


Reporter 2
A man takes law into his own hands after the search for his daughter's murderer and rapist fails and instead the police go after him.
Arne Dahl: The Blinded Man
Arne Dahl - Misterioso A failed robbery attempt at Sydbanken outside Avesta leaves one robber lying dead with a dart through his eye, but there are no witnesses to the incident and no perpetrator is ever identified. In Stockholm, three high-profile businessmen are assassinated in a short period of time, and Jenny Hultin of National CID is assigned the task of putting together a special team to solve the case before the assassin strikes again.
Millennium: Os Homens Que Não Amavam as Mulheres
Um jornalista investigativo e uma hacker de computador são contratados para desvendar o desaparecimento de uma jovem há 36 anos. À medida que avançam na investigação crescem os riscos, pois a família da jovem não quer ter seus segredos revelados.