Costume Design
The legendary band of traveling musicians is back together! Troubadour and his friends - Donkey, Dog, Cat, and Rooster - rejoin to take on a heroic mission. The musicians and their leader set out to bring laughter and joy back to the gloomy streets of Bremen. First of all, they are tasked with making the King's daughter laugh. The meeting between Troubadour and the Princess sparks feelings of love in them but also results in a dangerous adventure. Troubadour and his friends face many challenges but they push on through because love makes it all worthwhile. As for the Princess - she runs away from her father’s palace. Scheming bandits, a cunning detective, and the royal family's internal squabbling create all kinds of problems, but in the end the cheerful Bremen Town Musicians make everyone dance to their tune!
Costume Design
Hoping to distract the boy from the loss of his mother, his father takes him to his grandfather for winter fishing. But the family falls into a blizzard and is lost on the ice of the largest lake in the world. Love and the mysterious powers of Baikal will help them overcome grief and find each other.
Costume Design
A group of heroes assembled by the eccentric billionaire goes into closed Perimeter full of abnormal activity which is inexplicable in terms of science. This journey will change all members of the group and reverse their notion of reality.
Costume Design
The director of the orphanage, Andrey Mast, is fighting the lawlessness reigning there and introducing strict rules. The new pupil Inna opposes these rules and will seek justice in her own way.
Costume Design
200 years have passed after The Great War. The remnants of humanity live in the perfect One State. Despite an authoritarian system of serial numbers, uniforms, glass houses, and scheduled sex, happiness and harmony reign in the society.
Costume Design
Baseado numa incrível história real. Nos anos 1970, em Moscou, a cadela Palma, da raçapastor alemão, é abandonada por seu dono no aeroporto da cidade. Ela faz amizade com Nicholas, um menino de nove anos cuja mãe morreu, deixando-o com um pai que ele mal conhece - o piloto que, por acaso, foi quem encontrou a cadela no aeroporto. Palma e Nicholas vivem aventuras incríveis e criam uma amizade verdadeira e um amor incondicional.
Costume Design
Após uma experiência traumática, um casal desesperado pede ajuda a uma médium que promete apagar a lembrança da mente de sua esposa. A magia parece funcionar, mas um terrível mal parece ter se apossado da mulher.
Costume Design
Artyom, a young adventurer, meets Felix - the once legendary art thief, who was called "Number One". The "Old School" and the newcomer decide to crank up the scam of the century - to steal one of the most expensive paintings of our time - "N 1" by Mark Rothko from the gallery owned by the ex-wife of Felix and her new husband. By chance, Artem meets Marina and falls in love with her. And she turns out to be an investigator and really wants to catch Felix red-handed.
Costume Design
Family film about the adventures of a lost girl in Moscow. The world of the megalopolis is dangerous, but the five-year-old Natasha is so sincere and trusting about others that when meeting her, they change for the better. This is a story about a child and modern Moscow, told in the language of the current generation and continuing the traditions of good domestic cinema.
Costume Design
The amazing story of sports commentator Stepan Vershinin, which loses its prestigious place on television. In search of a new job, he becomes part of unusual competitions.
Costume Design
Depois que o terrível fantasma da Rainha de Espadas ressurge, os alunos de um antigo colégio interno viram as próximas vítimas do seu banho de sangue. O terror começa a partir do momento em que eles recitam antigos encantamentos no banheiro do local para conquistar tudo o que desejam — mesmo que o preço seja suas almas.
Costume Design
After five years of marriage, their relationships have come to a dead end – no kids, no common interests, almost no more love is left… When the wife asks for divorce, the husband tries the last remedy to cure their relationships – a scientific method known as "7 dinners"...
Costume Design
The Moscow idler Nikita (27) spends his days at home, watching the news and cursing the country; he is certain that the country is to blame for his unemployment. He lets a room in his Moscow apartment to the girl Sara, who has come from Tel Aviv to earn money. One day Sara tells him that she is going back to Israel.
Costume Design
Sasha Korolev has a congenital disorder. The boy’s father has chosen what seemed to him the only correct way to put the son on his feet: to treat him like a healthy person. “You’re not a patient, you have temporary difficulties”. Eating, getting dressed, going downstairs and walking up the front door steps — every day the child spends hours on such simple household tasks. At school he is mocked by his peers, and there is no help to expect. The boy has coped with the illness, but started hating the father. When he finished school, Sasha left home and stopped all contact with the father. Over the past 15 years he has become the best business consultant in the country, who has helped hundreds of businesses out of crisis. “You have no a crisis, you have temporary difficulties”, — Sasha would say to his clients, having gone along a difficult path himself. And one day, a new order unexpectedly gives him the opportunity to settle accounts with the father...
Costume Design
Young girl Masha accidentally discovers the organization of snow and ice mages fighting the global devil under the leadership of Santa Claus.
Costume Design
Jovem casal compra o carro de seus sonhos para realizar uma viagem em familia, mas o que eles não sabiam é que o antigo dono do veiculo havia assassinado uma garota e escondido seu corpo no porta-malas deixando o espirito da mesma ligado ao veiculo.
Costume Design
The story of three Russian Olympic champions. Ordinary people, who have become the pride of their family and country, and made history of world sports.
Costume Design
Moscou, 2072. Doze competidores, cada um com a sua própria história e os seus motivos, participam de um jogo televisionado da Máfia. Aquele eliminado deve entrar numa realidade virtual para conquistar o seu pior medo - ou morrer tentando.
Costume Design
Uma lenda antiga diz que todo espelho pode ser um portal para o mundo dos mortos e ser usado para convocar a Rainha de Espadas. Quatro adolescentes brincam com um espelho sem saber do horror que os aguarda.
Costume Design
What would you do if a relative recently released from prison would move to your house? And you accidentally killed him...
Costume Design
Três casais juntos desde os tempos da escola estão prestes a se casar e isso dará início a uma verdadeira guerra dos sexos em plena lua de mel num lugar paradisíaco.
Costume Design
Four friends from the first movie are back in the saddle. This time they're not only returning to the big sex world but also helping the state on the important mission.
Costume Design
This time, in keeping with the best traditions of the first two parts, Mothers tells a beautiful, fascinating, lyrical and funny story of the three mothers that takes place in a small European town on New Year’s Eve. The three mothers are flying to Prague on New Year’s Eve.
Costume Design
The feelings of Phil and Pyotr are really mixed. Whatever one of them feels - the second experiences the same feelings immediately.
Costume Design
Igor, a furniture store manager, tries to figure out what happened during the corporate event which resulted his store to be completely destroyed.
Costume Design
After getting approval to sell the old mansion young realtor starts to experience very strange things...
Costume Design
Five real-life stories of Olympic athletes of Russia. Five stories which intertwined love, betrayal, friendship. Each of these victories worth hard work, respect and belief in yourself, in your family and to your country.
Costume Design
A funny comedy about three young girls and one man who are stuck on inhabited island.
Costume Design
Four friends decide to participate in the game organized by extravagant billionaire. The winner will be the one who seduces most girls during the competition.
Costume Design
Funny comedy about a life of super-famous mega-star Igor Uspensky and his fight for "Man of a Year" title.
Costume Design
Dois agentes de viagem de província, que consideram a vida, as crianças e seu trabalho muito pouco, têm uma viagem muito importante no exterior. Elas sonham com resultados de sucesso nas negociações, mas de repente a responsabilidade de cuidar de três crianças incontroláveis cai para elas. Tudo estaria bem, se as crianças não fossem filhos de sua chefe.