Konstantin Elkin


The First Summer
A small town on the Volga, mid-2000s. In the life of the resourceful Sasha, the fifteenth summer comes: again fooling around with friends, again going to the local "igrovukha" and the first summer part-time jobs...Everything goes on as usual, but Sashka does not know yet - it is this summer that he will have to take responsibility for someone else's life, meet love and get involved in dangerous troubles.
Дух Байкала
Hoping to distract the boy from the loss of his mother, his father takes him to his grandfather for winter fishing. But the family falls into a blizzard and is lost on the ice of the largest lake in the world. Love and the mysterious powers of Baikal will help them overcome grief and find each other.
The director of the orphanage, Andrey Mast, is fighting the lawlessness reigning there and introducing strict rules. The new pupil Inna opposes these rules and will seek justice in her own way.
The Fixer: Brother
Kasha firmly decides to start life with a clean slate, but the past is not ready to let him go so easily. Dangerous people come straight to the rehabilitation center for him, and from that moment on, Kasha has to go on the run. Returning to his hometown, he will try to save not only himself and his brother, who was in prison, but also the girl Asya, who, like him once, is rapidly being sucked into a whirlpool of addiction and crime.
Mariya - O Simbolo de Uma Guerra
Um emocionante drama de guerra que conta a história de Maria Petrova, em cujo destino, como em um espelho, o destino do país se refletiu: a filha de um padre, que renunciou ao pai e à fé, ela serve no NKVD. Na véspera da batalha por Moscou, Maria conhece a vidente anciã Matrona, e logo é Maria quem é encarregada de entregar a Moscou o ícone milagroso da Mãe de Deus, localizado atrás da linha de frente no território ocupado.
Take a Hike, Vasya! Lost In Bali
Pasha again had a great opportunity to cheat on his wife with beautiful Vasya. Max had the opportunity to destroy Mitya and return Nastya. All the characters converge on the island of Bali, where they are waiting for chases, fights without rules and incredible adventures.
Inadequate People 2
Kristina lives with Vitaly in a quiet family life, but her sarcastic world view does not coincide with Vitaly’s ideals. While she is engaged in household chores, he spends more and more time at work, and Kristina begins to suspect that this is somehow connected with the appearance of his young assistant Sonya in the office.
The Superdeep
O Poço Superprofundo de Kola é um dos locais mais secretos da Rússia. Em 1984 sons inexplicáveis, similares a gritos, foram gravados a uma profundidade de mais de 12 quilômetros. Após esses eventos, o local foi selado. Uma equipe de pesquisadores desceu abaixo da superfície para descobrir qual segredo o poço mais profundo do mundo estava escondendo. O que eles descobriram acabou sendo a maior ameaça da história. E o futuro da humanidade está em suas mãos.
The story of several Russian emigrants who moved abroad forever. Despite the complete change of scenery and immersion in another culture, they cannot get rid of their love for their motherland, no matter how hard they try.
O Fantasma Vermelho
No inverno de 1941, a lenda de um sniper desconhecido que caça nazistas corre pelos pequenos vilarejos russos ocupados. Um soldado que atravessava as linhas inimigas sem ser visto e que, sem nome, seria conhecido como Fantasma Vermelho.
Dinheiro Fácil
O ano é 2008 e Kostya e Zavgar são dois amigos que levam a vida ganhando dinheiro em esquemas ilegais. E o que vem fácil, também vai fácil, então eles seguem praticando crimes para manter a vida boa. Quando tudo parece bem, a ambição de Kostya começa a falar mais alto e ele tem planos para ganhar muito mais dinheiro. Só que o prêmio milionário poderá custar caro para ele e seu amigo - se algo der errado, eles poderão perder não só a liberdade, como também suas vidas.
The Big Deal
Vadim Krylov is the owner of a major retail chain. He's the best at what he does, and he is used to getting what he wants at any cost. He reaches his goal, 3000 stores all over the country, but that costs him dearly. Now, to avoid financial ruin Krylov has to make a deal to partner with a large Chinese retail chain. The Chinese company is ready to purchase a 50% stake in Vadim's company which officially - or on paper at least - belongs to his Mother. Vadim is once again on top of the world. But his Mother, who lived her whole life in his home town died a half a year ago and it turns out, she left a last will and testament. So Vadim will have to go back to his home town where there's an unexpected surprise waiting for him. His Mother bequeathed the company not to him, but to her granddaughter, his daughter, with whom he has had no contact with since he abandoned her at the age of two.
Em Busca dos Seus Sonhos
Rita é uma doce e ambiciosa jovem de um povoado do litoral que decide romper com a rotina e conquistar a capital para estudar teatro. Ela viverá as histórias mais malucas para tentar se dar bem na cidade grande.
Seven Dinners
After five years of marriage, their relationships have come to a dead end – no kids, no common interests, almost no more love is left… When the wife asks for divorce, the husband tries the last remedy to cure their relationships – a scientific method known as "7 dinners"...
Temporary Difficulties
Sasha Korolev has a congenital disorder. The boy’s father has chosen what seemed to him the only correct way to put the son on his feet: to treat him like a healthy person. “You’re not a patient, you have temporary difficulties”. Eating, getting dressed, going downstairs and walking up the front door steps — every day the child spends hours on such simple household tasks. At school he is mocked by his peers, and there is no help to expect. The boy has coped with the illness, but started hating the father. When he finished school, Sasha left home and stopped all contact with the father. Over the past 15 years he has become the best business consultant in the country, who has helped hundreds of businesses out of crisis. “You have no a crisis, you have temporary difficulties”, — Sasha would say to his clients, having gone along a difficult path himself. And one day, a new order unexpectedly gives him the opportunity to settle accounts with the father...
After celebrating his best friend birthday Anton has a terrible headache, doesn't remember anything and in addition must destroy some videos which can seriously compromise Anton's relationship with his girlfriend.
Classmates #NewTurn
It's been a year since Katya's wedding so now Dasha is getting ready to marry.
Contemporary Moscow. Danya, a struggling actor, has just lost his girlfriend. His troubles soon multiply when his younger brother Dima shows up at his apartment with a friend who has a bullet in his stomach.
Sochi, Russia. The day before wedding Katya finds her fiancé on a date with a hot blonde, so her classmates Vika, Sveta, and Dasha decide to find Katya a new husband. They have one night only. Will they succeed?
The Legend of Sambo
A former white officer, and now an employee of the NKVD, martial artist Viktor Spiridonov meets the disgraced Soviet intelligence agent Vasily Oshchepkov, who studied judo in Japan for a long time. They quickly find a common language, because both are obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a national art of self-defense. But the joint work soon turns into an irreconcilable confrontation. Intrigues, betrayal, emotions will predetermine the tragic fate of the two great creators of sambo.
Wonderful World
New film by Dmitry Suvorov