Big Budah


Boa Sorte, Charlie! Viagem Fora de Série
Bus Driver
Teddy, PJ, Gabe, Bob e Amy iam passar as férias juntos em Palm Springs, mas acabaram se separando acidentalmente. Agora, nessa divertida aventura, os Duncan vão precisar correr contra o relógio para se reencontrar a tempo do natal.
Para Sempre Vencedor
Rick Penning vive sua vida da mesma forma que joga rugby: rápida, forte e intensamente. Quando ele vai parar na prisão devido a um acidente de trânsito, conhece Marcus Tate, que lhe oferece a chance de voltar a jogar pelo seu antigo time rival. Relutante, Rick decide entrar para o time e deve passar por uma forte rotina de treinamentos e duras normas de conduta impostas pelo novo treinador. Rick então precisa enfrentar uma grande prova de fogo ao ter que enfrentar o atual time campeão que é treinado justamente pelo seu pai.
Church Ball
Polynesian Team
Dennis Buckstead has the hardest calling in his church. Not only has he been asked to coach a group of non-basketball players in his church but the bishop has demanded that he lead the team to the Basketball Championship. Word from the top is that this is the last season of church ball and Bishop Linderman isn't about to have his team lose for the 20th year in a row in the last season of church ball history! What was supposed to strengthen the body, invigorate the mind and cultivate brotherly love seems to bring out the worst in these church-going ball players. Dennis must find a way to bring his team together and build unity along the way to win the championship or go down in church ball history as the worst team that ever played.
Bouncer #1
Thomas, Kyle and Marint had it all:loving wives, children and careers on the rise. But when tragedy strikes and their worlds crumble, it proves to be more than they can bare, and they find themselves caught in a forsaken ghost land somewhere between heaven and hell. In this anguished world, nothing is what it seems, and these nomads must face their demons head on in order to recover a once fallen destiny.
The R.M.
Jared Phelps (Kirby Heyborne) has completed two years of full-time missionary service for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His mission president has promised him that he will be blessed for his service, and he thinks he has it all worked out. His girlfriend has waited for him. His boss promised that he could have his old job back, and he has already sent his application to BYU. Everything that can go wrong does go wrong. His girlfriend dumps him. His loses his job, and he isn't accepted to BYU. Then, it gets even worse, and he has to decide if choosing the right is worth all the trouble.