Scott David


De Garota em Garota
A veteran soap opera star retires to a beach house with her publicist and partner, but her Early Onset Alzheimer's will strain the couple's relationship until they find the strength to redefine themselves and what they mean to one another.
Beautiful Girl
Odessa is a beautiful girl addicted to the attention and money that being an adult film star brings. William, a lonely mechanic, has a crush on her, and she indulges his fantasy and leads him on. Thinking he can save her and help her find a normal life, he befriends her drug-fueled bodyguard, Angry Jack, to get close to her.
Suburban Gothic
An awkward, unemployed man who can talk to the dead teams up with a rebellious bartender to find the vengeful ghost that's been terrorizing their town.
The Hand of Now
Casting Director
A palm reader comes between a woman and her boyfriend on a night that will change their lives forever.
O Guardião 2: Retorno às Minas do Rei Salomão
Flynn Carsen, recebe um antigo pergaminho egípcio que contém um misterioso símbolo. Mas antes que ele possa conhecer o verdadeiro valor da relíquia, é atacado e tem o pergaminho roubado. Junto com seu amigo Judson, consegue desvendar o significado do símbolo: trata-se do selo do Rei Salomão. O perigo? Quando aberto, o pergaminho revelará ao seu portador o mapa das minas de Salomão. Sem escolha, eles partem para uma perigosa missão, onde passarão por terríveis provas e armadilhas.