Zhenya's father
18-year-old school graduate Sasha is indecisive to choose painting as his profession. He does not want to let down his mother, who wants him to make a safe career choice. The meeting with his father, whom Sasha never knew, complicates things even more. But when Sasha meets an unusual girl Zhenia, he has no other choice but to grow up.
Vadim Krylov is the owner of a major retail chain. He's the best at what he does, and he is used to getting what he wants at any cost. He reaches his goal, 3000 stores all over the country, but that costs him dearly. Now, to avoid financial ruin Krylov has to make a deal to partner with a large Chinese retail chain. The Chinese company is ready to purchase a 50% stake in Vadim's company which officially - or on paper at least - belongs to his Mother. Vadim is once again on top of the world. But his Mother, who lived her whole life in his home town died a half a year ago and it turns out, she left a last will and testament. So Vadim will have to go back to his home town where there's an unexpected surprise waiting for him. His Mother bequeathed the company not to him, but to her granddaughter, his daughter, with whom he has had no contact with since he abandoned her at the age of two.
Gor está tentando voar para a Armênia a partir de Moscou para procurar por sua família presa num terremoto. Uma vez lá, Gor corre pelo que sobrou da cidade em busca de sua pequena casa. No caminho, ele conhece vários personagens, cada um deles com sua tragédia e desafio pessoal. Os habitantes se esforçam para encontrar seus entes queridos - vivos ou mortos, onde os mortos são quase tão bons quanto vivos porque isso significa que as pessoas podem obter um enterro adequado. Os médicos tentam ajudar aqueles que sobreviveram, trabalhando dia e noite apesar da falta de medicamentos e realizando cirurgias com os materiais disponíveis. Soldados e voluntários arriscam suas vidas para limpar os escombros. Como Gor não desiste de procurar por sua família, sua esposa e sua filha pequena ainda estão vivas sob os escombros. Mas enquanto houver amor, há esperança.
Wolf Ares
A new era is about to begin in Eastern Europe. Scythians, the proud warriors, are all but gone and most of the few remaining descendants have become ruthless mercenary assassins. Lutobor, a warrior who becomes involved in intertribal conflicts, sets off on a perilous journey to save his family guided by a captive Scythian.