Sandie Morris


Kart Nervoso
Production Accountant
Um adolescente destemido se arrisca nas corridas de kart com o apoio dos amigos e de um ex-piloto durão, que vira seu treinador.
Upgrade: Atualização
Production Accountant
No futuro próximo, a tecnologia controla quase todos os aspectos da vida. Mas quando Gray, um tecnofóbico, tem seu mundo virado de cabeça para baixo, sua única esperança de vingança é um implante experimental de chips de computador chamado Stem.
Down Under
Production Accountant
A black comedy set during the aftermath of the Cronulla riots, it is the story of two carloads of hotheads from both sides of the fight destined to collide.
A Filha
Production Accountant
Longe de casa há anos, Christian volta para a cidade de sua família, a fim de comparecer ao casamento do seu pai. Relembrando o passado, ele se reconecta com o seu amigo de infância, Oliver, e a sua família, que o levará a descobrir um segredo há muito tempo enterrado. Enquanto ele tenta corrigir os erros do passado, sua ações ameaçam destruir as vidas daqueles que ele deixou para trás anos antes.
Pânico Nas Ilhas Rochosas
Production Accountant
Uma ilha espetacular em Sidney. Artistas internacionais em um enorme festival de música, tudo perfeito até que o inimaginável ocorre. .
South Solitary
Production Accountant
Meredith is a 35 year-old unmarried woman who arrives at a remote lighthouse island 1928 with her uncle the new head keeper.
Production Accountant
Depois de se envolver com uma aluna, um professor cai em desgraça e procura a filha, a única pessoa que poderia ajudá-lo. Mas o preconceito étnico na Cidade do Cabo vai mudar sua vida.
The Square
Production Accountant
Ray, a construction worker trapped in an unhappy marriage, pursues an affair with his neighbor, Carla. Carla's husband, Greg, is a mobster who keeps large sums of drug money in their home. With this in mind, Carla comes up with a plan: She and Ray will steal Greg's money, burn down her house, convince Greg the money was lost in the fire and then run away together. Carla's scheme, however, doesn't go off as planned.
Small Claims: The Reunion
Production Accountant
Chrissy and Jo attend Chrissy's university reunion. Surrounded by success, Chrissy begins to question her decision to stay at home with the kids. When an old friend's husband is found dead in the harbour from an apparent heart attack, Chrissy and Jo are drawn to solve the mystery after learning the dead man's blood contained Ketamine, an animal tranquilliser used as a party drug.
Production Accountant
The Bergman sisters could not be more different. Jessica is a feisty tomboy who loves to help her father work their farmland. Her beautiful sister Meg is eagerly being groomed by her mother Hester (Lisa Harrow) to be the perfect wife, so that she can marry her way out of poverty. However, when the man, Jack Thomas, who Meg has set her sights on falls in love with Jessica and gets her pregnant, Hester schemes to wrench the couple apart to claim Jessica's son, Joey for Meg. Later she commits Jessica to a mental asylum. It is here that Jessica receives news of her lover's death and almost loses hope, but after enlisting the help of Mr. Runche, a down and out lawyer battling alcoholism, she is eventually released. Years later, it is the reformed Runche who gives Jessica the courage to fight for the return of her child. Eventually Meg and Hester call an uneasy truce with Jessica, and allow her to play a role in Joey's life as his aunt.
A Grande Virada
Post Production Accountant
Placid Lake (Ben Lee) sempre foi um garoto diferente. Como um peixe fora d´água em um mar de mediocridade, Lake sempre teve brilhantes idéias que mais lhe trouxeram problemas do que sucesso. Um dia Lake decide mudar o rumo de sua vida. Para o desespero de seus excêntricos pais, Sylvia (Miranda Richardson) e Doug (Garry McDonald), ele consegue um emprego como corretor de seguros e rapidamente cresce dentro da corporação. Será que Lake se tornará normal ou sua repentina mudança será passageira
You Can't Stop the Murders
Production Accountant
Australian small-town cop Gary enjoys his nearly pastoral existence, with traffic violations providing the major excitement to his normally low-key days. While away from work, Gary spends a good deal of time fantasizing about local news reporter Julia, who would just as soon relocate to the thriving metropolis of Sydney. Soon, however, a motorcyclist is found decapitated, with a construction worker, a sailor, and a cowboy and Indian also meeting the same fate. With some murderous weirdo with some sort of Village People fixation terrorizing the town, Gary -- with the help of big-wig city detective and Don Johnson-wannabe Tony Charles -- begins to realize that a cop is the last remaining victim to be murdered in order for the killings to be complete. ...
Sydney: A Story of a City
Production Accountant
Virginia, a young and adventurous woman, travels from England to Sydney, Australia, in search of her Australian ancestors.
The Edge of the Possible
Production Accountant
Jørn Utzon, acclaimed architect of the Sydney Opera House, tells the story of the design and construction of his masterpiece.
O Casamento de Muriel
Assistant Accountant
Porpoise Spit, Austrália. Muriel Heslop (Toni Collette) tem 22 anos e nunca teve muitos amigos, já que as roupas que usa são fora de moda e, ainda por cima, vive ouvindo as canções do ABBA. Além disto, está acima do peso e nunca demonstrou muitos talentos. Sua vida muda ao conhecer Rhonda Epinstalk (Rachel Griffiths), que também é excluída do meio social. Sonhando com uma vida livre, elas fogem para Sydney. Apesar das críticas de seu pai, Muriel acredita que possa enfim encontrar a felicidade e coloca como primeira meta se casar. É quando ela conhece e se apaixona por um famoso nadador.
The Nostradamus Kid
Assistant Accountant
The spiritual and sexual coming of age of a Seventh-Day Adventist boy in 1950s Australia. Ken Elkin is a "randy young man" who is told that the world is about to end. In a race against time, there's only one goal Ken wants to accomplish: bedding the love of his life, who just happens to be the local pastor's daughter.