Comédia de humor negro que acompanha um péssimo momento na vida de Cristóbal. Sua esposa acaba de ir para a Espanha onde ganhou uma bolsa de estudos e quer levar a família junto. E ele, falido e moralmente arruinado, passa a noite se aventurando na boemia de Santiago tentando esquecer o seu dilema. Chega o dia seguinte e ele precisa tomar uma decisão.
Boom Operator
María Luisa Bombal is an underground writer in the early twenties trying to reconcile her passionate and very sexual lifestyle with her life as a socialite among Santiago's very conservative elite.
Sound Assistant
A Chilean talent show in the mold of "American Idol," "Rojo" became a huge hit the moment it hit the airwaves. This comic series puts a fictional spin on all the backstage drama: the backstabbing, the ruthless competition and the passionate abandon. Further blurring the line between fantasy and reality, several of the show's big stars -- including Monserrat Bustamante, Mario Guerrero and Yamna Lobos -- appear as pseudo versions of themselves.