Cristóbal Azócar


Tánana, being ready to set sail on Yahgan language, is the return of Martín González Calderón, to heart of Cape Horn. He's a Yahgan craftsman and one of the last of his people, the Yahgans, who have lived in Tierra del Fuego for more than 6000 years. Long trips made with his parents let him get the deepest knowledge and secrets of ancient navigation. However, this way of life was violently stopped, due to the interventions of Chile and Argentina's states. Since then, the few Yahgan people remaining, cannot sail as before.
Tánana, being ready to set sail on Yahgan language, is the return of Martín González Calderón, to heart of Cape Horn. He's a Yahgan craftsman and one of the last of his people, the Yahgans, who have lived in Tierra del Fuego for more than 6000 years. Long trips made with his parents let him get the deepest knowledge and secrets of ancient navigation. However, this way of life was violently stopped, due to the interventions of Chile and Argentina's states. Since then, the few Yahgan people remaining, cannot sail as before.
Tánana, being ready to set sail on Yahgan language, is the return of Martín González Calderón, to heart of Cape Horn. He's a Yahgan craftsman and one of the last of his people, the Yahgans, who have lived in Tierra del Fuego for more than 6000 years. Long trips made with his parents let him get the deepest knowledge and secrets of ancient navigation. However, this way of life was violently stopped, due to the interventions of Chile and Argentina's states. Since then, the few Yahgan people remaining, cannot sail as before.
Violeta Foi Para o Céu
Intratável, terna, boêmia, áspera, contundente, frágil e indomável. Violeta Parra foi uma das artistas mais emblemáticas do Chile - e ainda assim, profundamente ignorada por décadas de uma cultura controlada pela ditadura de Pinochet. Andrés Wood, diretor de Machuca, realiza um trabalho primoroso ao trazer para as telas, a partir do livro escrito pelo filho de Violeta, Ángel Parra, a vida, a obra, a memória, os amores e as esperanças dessa cantora, compositora, poeta e pintora que é um dos maiores ícones da arte popular latino-americana.
Tony Manero
First Assistant Editor
Santiago do Chile, 1978. Em meio ao complicado contexto social da ditadura militar de Augusto Pinochet, um homem de meia-idade, Raúl Peralta (Alfredo Castro), está obcecado com a idéia de se tornar Tony Manero, o famoso personagem interpretado por John Travolta no clássico filme da era disco "Os Embalos de Sábado à Noite". A fantasia de encarnar seu grande ídolo, e assim ser reconhecido como uma estrela no mundo do entretenimento, chega a tal nível que acaba levando Raúl a se transformar num assassino em série.