"The Rally" is a gritty drama which follows several families living in a town riddled with crime and corruption. As the local church works to bring positive change to the town, they are confronted at every turn by those that desire to keep the city in bondage...until today.
King (Rey)
Rey is a small time drug dealer waiting for a chance to make it in a big way. He is in love with a prostitute, together they share their ups and downs expecting to one day get out of their miserable lives. They continue to struggle until one day they come across an opportunity of a lifetime.
Emilio is the soulful tale of a young man who leaves his village in Mexico looking for his kidnapped sister. His journey leads him to Los Angeles, where we see the city through the eyes of a penniless illegal immigrant on a desperate quest.
Miguel Perez
Sean Porter é um ex-jogador que trabalha como oficial de justiça criminal no centro de detenção juvenil Kilpatrick. Incomodado com a falta de disciplina, auto-estima, união e perspectiva de vida desses jovens prisioneiros, Sean sugere criar um time de futebol americano para incentivar os rapazes a darem a volta por cima e consertarem os erros do passado.
Juan Espinoza
A Mexican father's prejudice slowly uncoils into a raging fury as his daughter falls in love with a young black poet.