Sergey Petriga


Chip Inside Me
Director of Photography
The film is based on five cases of people with implants in the head. Against the backdrop of the growing popularity of the topic of “chipping” and fear of being controlled by artificial intelligence, filmmakers find five dramatic stories where the “chip in the head” is a vital necessity. With the help of implants, doctors cure deafness, remove tremor from patients with parkinsonism, stop epilepsy attacks and treat dystonia. Where can the scientific discoveries of the recent years lead us? Is it possible to control people with the help of technology and what neuroethical issues are encountered in its use?
Andrey Sakharov. On the Other Side of the Window...
Director of Photography
The film about the great scientist, thinker, human rights activist is based on the memories of his associates, declassified documents of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the KGB of the USSR, a chronicle shot by the KGB in the city of Gorky, and most importantly, animated drawings that Andrei Dmitrievich left on the margins of notebooks with formulas, in letters to children and grandchildren, as well as simply inventing some fantastic characters.
Do I Love You, Robot, Do I
Director of Photography
Anthropomorphic robots are increasingly being introduced into our lives: they meet us at the reception, educate children and even live in families as partners. Scientists are trying to make robots as human-like as possible. In the late 80s, scientists studying the emotional reaction of people to robots discovered the "uncanny valley effect": the most humanoid robots caused dislike and even fear in people. But what will happen when they become indistinguishable from a person? And will they?
Brain. Evolution
Director of Photography
In the film, we look into the future. How does scientific knowledge change our worldview, culture and environment? On the one hand, the development of technology expands our boundaries of freedom - we live longer, learned to establish communication with paralyzed people, etc. But the more scientists learn about the brain, the more questions arise. Back in the 1980s, Benjamin Libet conducted experiments that, according to many scientists, proved that man does not have free will. Neuroscientists say that our behavior and decisions depend only on the activity of neurons.
Solzhenitsyn. Remorse
Director of Photography
Brain. Second Universe
Director of Photography
What is a human brain? Is it just a part of central nervous system, super computer or master who controls human's life? Modern neuroscience researches will help us answer this questions.
Gennady Shpalikov. Life Of A Charming Man
Director of Photography
Gennady Shpalikov. He was 25 when he offered George Danelia a script for the future film “I walk through Moscow”. At this time, Shpalikov was already finishing the script for Ilyich's Outpost for Marlen Khutsiyev! Both of these films will be called the manifesto of the generation of the sixties, the symbols of the era called "thaw". All his life he had dreamed of “The Quay” ... This script was his favorite work. But “Berth” was never staged "..." "There is no choice in the USSR. Or you drink, or you freak out, or you are not printed. The fourth is not given.
Director of Photography
He went through the war from Leningrad to Germany. He was awarded two medals of valor and the Order of The Patriotic War of the 2-nd Class. Vladimir lives in a small village of the Irkutsk region. Sometimes he goes to the city to his son, grandson and great-grandchildren by the train. But sometimes there are the moments of silence to sit and remember all the living and the dead. And the more silence, the more the memories, the ghosts of war.
Depth 1080
Director of Photography
1080 meters - the depth of the mine "Komsomolskaya", where the heroes of the film descend daily. Around - tundra and abandoned villages. Around Vorkuta there are five mines. After the explosion on the "North" - four. The city lives. Pasha and Roma drive cars around the city, telling us about their lives and finding themselves in various places.
Director of Photography
2011-2012. Swamp area. Protesting moods. The 22-year-old Dasha goes to the polls - to the municipal deputies of the Brateevo district of Moscow. She is not a member of any party, and her electoral fund is 15,000 rubles, given by her mother. This is how Dasha begins his political career. Two years passed. Career is shaping up. What can not you tell about personal life: it seems that the family and political success for the girl are incompatible things ...
Waiting for Waves and Particles
Director of Photography
Three physicists in search of the grail, each - his own. One hopes to find gravitational waves, the other - axions, the third is looking for magnetic monopoles. Each of these waves and particles is predicted by theorists, but whether it exists in nature in reality, no one knows for sure.
Director of Photography
In the land where, after the closure of the state farms, arable land has already become overgrown with birch forests, the farmer Valery Kravtsov is developing his small farm. Struggles for the harvest with bad weather, weeds and out-of-order technology. He gets up at 4 am to be at his "hacienda" at 5 already. He brings up his son, hoping that he will leave the farm for him. And gives the inhabitants of the deserted villages work and hope.
Childhood by the River
Director of Photography
When Masha was ten years old she lived in a far away northern village, where she was the only pupil in her school. She loved her village - a quiet place without any stores, cell phones, and other spoils of civilization. Masha dreamed to build a clinic there. Masha is seventeen now. She goes to a boarding school in a nearby village, and realizes that she needs to leave.