Michael McGennan


Future Past
While attempting a hologram experiment on a multi-national computer, a computer whiz inadvertantly creates Billy, a tough-talking highroller from the future. Billy creates havoc and the only solution is to blast him back to the future...
Computer Ghosts
A security company conjures up fake computer-generated "ghosts" so they can buy abandoned property at below-market value at auctions. However, a mysterious couple appear out of seemingly nowhere to thwart the company's plans.
A Dança das Sombras
O casal Robby e Amy estuda de dia e luta de noite. Fazem parte de um clube da luta de artes marciais, em que desafios violentos avançam por toda a madrugada. O líder é Steve Beck, mentor de Robby, veterano de guerra, que tem sérios problemas com drogas e tenta destruir o aluno prodígio após este testemunhar um crime.