Darya Sorokina


2011-2012. Swamp area. Protesting moods. The 22-year-old Dasha goes to the polls - to the municipal deputies of the Brateevo district of Moscow. She is not a member of any party, and her electoral fund is 15,000 rubles, given by her mother. This is how Dasha begins his political career. Two years passed. Career is shaping up. What can not you tell about personal life: it seems that the family and political success for the girl are incompatible things ...
Wide Embraces
At first glance, charity is easy: gather things, spend time, help with money. But it turns out, it's not easy when you are 17 and you are not ready to see lonely old age, poverty and disease. And when you realize that now you are there - in a nursing home - waiting, it becomes even more difficult.