Danko Vučinović


The Staffroom
Director of Photography
Anamarija starts her job as a counsellor at a new school. Together with her, the viewers begin to appreciate what kind of people the staffroom teachers are, they witness the petty conflicts and also uncover the power games that go on behind the scenes. This self-assured debut from Sonja Tarokić about the individual's struggle within the system and the sheer effort required to preserve one’s integrity, also presents a complex study of an institution whose employees have taken on one of the most responsible roles an adult can have – to educate future generations.
The Lovetts
Director of Photography
Mr. & Mrs. Lovett live out their (sex) lives in full public view in front of a permanently connected webcam, which frames their spartan living room like a human aquarium. This is all we see of their lives - but it's not so little after all. The young couple are driven business people, and they flirt, strip and screw for the benefit of the camera and the customers on the receiving end. The Croatian filmmaker Igor Bezinovic has created a surreal and funny take on a piece of avant-garde 'adult entertainment' from one of the internet's seedy corners. But he also documents a performance culture, which dissolves the boundaries between the private and public spheres and a parallel economy of images. A hedonistic and thoroughly commercialised culture, where supply and demand have taken on an entirely new and absurd meaning.
O Mistério de Green Hill
Director of Photography
Baseado no romance homônimo de Ivan Kušan. Koko e seus amigos estão passando as férias de verão em um lago na vila de Green Hill. Mas, enquanto brincam e se divertem, a paisagem mágica do local é perturbada e, durante a noite, ladrões invadem e roubam várias casas. Quando a polícia faz vista grossa às denúncias dos adultos, Koko e seus amigos decidem resolver o problema com as próprias mãos e desmascarar os assaltantes.
On Shaky Ground
Director of Photography
On Shaky Ground is a short film that deals with the issue of a breaking family, after the father falls into a serious depression because of the financial moves he had previously kept secret.
I'm a Self-Made Woman
Director of Photography
Željka’s younger sister Silvija begs her to let her spend the night, because their mom has just read her shameless blog and she doesn't want to go back home. The next morning, Željka takes Silvija and her best friend Danica to a TV studio where she works as a make-up artist. While getting ready to return home and face their mom, the two sisters exchange some pearls of wisdom about life.