Anastasiya Kuimova

Anastasiya Kuimova

Nascimento : 1993-10-11, Krasnoyarsk, Russia


Anastasiya Kuimova


Chernobyl: O Filme
Três heróis silenciosos prontos para arriscarem suas próprias vidas para evitar uma catástrofe ainda maior na usina nuclear de Chernobyl.
The Savage
PTU student falls in love with a teacher of philosophy.
Russian Spleen
The three not-so-lucky guys are having the most difficult, weirdest and funniest day of their lives. Meanwhile, in Moscow, a gang of Kyrgyz conspirators begins to wield, a sexist gynecologist and a feminist traumatologist come to work, a film producer is cheating on the Motherland, and clay policemen are uncovering their batons. The only question is which of these meetings will become fatal for our friends.
Ainda vivendo o luto pela perda traumática de seu irmão, uma adolescente começa a enfrentar outros problemas. Durante o sono, ela tem pesadelos vivídios e assustadores que são praticamente indistinguíveis da realidade. Procurando soluções, a menina recorre a um instituto de sonologia que promete livrá-la desse problema. Acompanhada de outros pacientes, a garota é induzida a um sono lúcido coletivo que se torna pior do que qualquer pesadelo que ela já teve.
Pink Or Bell
souteneur's girl
The picture tells about Angela - a talented cellist. Having escaped from her problems from Italy to Russia, she does not find peace here either. Boredom and misunderstanding of others torment her, and the inner fire of contradictions tears to pieces. She has a difficult relationship with her father, she wants to return his love and attention. They are loved and recognized in their small orchestra, however, no one supports and does not understand her impulses to bring something new, to overcome a boring routine and finally change the world of music. It’s getting harder every day to achieve Angela’s inner harmony, or as Angie calls her. The world is full of cruelty, contention and misunderstanding, and finding a place in it for a bright and kind person who cannot feel lies and betrayal with his warm heart is very difficult, almost impossible.
The 17-year-old Savva is getting ready to enrol at university. His parents go on vacation, conferring the responsibility for preparing the entrance exams onto the son. Savva finds a foreign literature teacher on the Internet site “Your Tutor”.
Lie or Dare
A young man and his wife arrive at the dacha from which his father disappeared a few days ago. But his real goal is not to search, but to try to understand whether his wife is cheating on him. The situation becomes even more complicated when he meets a mysterious 17-year-old girl there.