Key Animation
Hiwa Natsunagi is a high school student living in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture. Worried about what to do with her life after graduation, she spots a poster for Spa Resort Hawaiians the “Hawaii of Tohoku” the place where her sister Mari used to work and applies to their new dancer (hula girl) campaign on a whim.
Despite her lack of experience, Hiwa is accepted for the job, and starts on the path towards becoming a Hula Girl with her classmates, Kanna, Ranko, 'ohana and Shion. However, unable to keep in step with one another due to their differing personalities, their first stage ends in disaster. Called the “most pitiful rookies ever” the girls are disheartened, but they learn to share the good and bad...and strengthen their bond despite the occasional fumble.
With their hearts and minds firmly set, the girls grace the stage once more.
Key Animation
A equipe descobre que quando crescerem, seu relacionamento com os Digimon chegará mais perto do fim. Eles percebem que quanto mais lutam, mais rápido o vínculo se rompe e a hora de escolher se aproxima rapidamente.
Animation Director
After blessing software announced their first work, Eriri and Utaha leave the group to join popular creator Akane Kosaka in developing a major game called Fields Chronicle. Meanwhile, Tomoya and Megumi join hands with their new members and various other parties to produce their new game. What will become of Eriri and Utaha’s major work? Will the relationship between Tomoya and Megumi change? And what will be the ultimate fate of blessing software’s new game?
Key Animation
A história de Donten ni Warau Gaiden é uma continuação alternativa do mangá oficial chamado Donten ni Warau.
Primeiro Filme.
E se Jesus e Buda estivessem vivendo na Terra atualmente? E se eles compartilhassem um apartamento no Japão? Saint☆Young Man é uma série sobre o dia-a-dia de Jesus e Buda, morando juntos no Japão dos dias de hoje.
Key Animation
The year is 2314 AD, two years have passed since the defeat of the Innovators and the exposure of the A-Laws' crimes against humanity. The A-Laws have been abolished and their infrastructure integrated into the Earth Sphere Federation Army. However, the world's exposure to GN Particles has resulted in many people awakening as True Innovators. Celestial Being has returned to the shadows to rebuild and quietly observe the infantile peace. However, an abandoned probe from an expedition to Jupiter 130 years ago approaches Earth bringing a new crisis with it, one that threatens all of mankind. While Celestial Being begins their final mission to save humanity from an unimaginable threat, Gundam Meister Setsuna F. Seiei is about to discover the true purpose of his evolution as an Innovator. Aeolia Schenberg's plan has moved into its final stage...