Georgy Ermolenko


Teens & Cats
Sound Director
After three teenagers died of an overdose, artist and activist Katrin Nenasheva organized a self-help group called "Teens and Cats". In it, teenagers share their difficulties and support each other. Initially, at the meetings of the group, they talked about how to cope with drug addiction, later to this was added a discussion of mental illnesses, bullying, violence, selfharma.
Sound Director
"Goryanki" documentary film tells the stories of several women from the North Caucasus. In Soviet times women in this region were actively removed from the context of traditional values, but the collapse of the USSR raised many questions for the society. The film examines the problems of feminism, the clash of national traditions and religion. Anyway the heroines of the film found the strength and courage to become successful and outstanding people.
Sound Director
Konstantin Stupin or just Stupa - rock-n-roller from Orel. He is 44 years old, we take him out of the madhouse and start making a film. Stupa in the last years of the existence of the USSR, as a schoolboy, decided to make music. He became the leader of the Oryol group Night cane: performances at school with songs about hell, sex, drugs, with texts like “take the Communist Party forgotten by everyone, drop two letters and get the SS”. Then the big scenes of the city and, as a result, the “Festival of Hopes”, organized by Artemy Troitsky, where the Night Cane, being the only non-Moscow group, receives a prize of audience sympathy. The texts for the festival have already become different, much deeper and more serious, but with constant protest in content and form.
Electing Russia
Schoolboy Semyon Golubovsky, Vladivostok. Students Egor Chernyuk and Oleg Alexeev, Kaliningrad. Entrepreneur Viktor Barmin, Yekaterinburg. Activist Violetta Grudina, Murmansk. Minibus driver Vladimir Semenov, Astrakhan. What unites these people? All of them are activists of regional headquarters created for the campaign of Alexey Navalny, who announced his self-nomination for the post of President of the Russian Federation. And all of them are the heroes of the film "Electing Russia."
White Mama
Sound Director
Аlina Makarova is a mother of six of her own children and one adopted child. Her ex husband is from Ethiopia, and all her own children are mixed race. Only her adopted son is white, but he has serious health problems and is psychologically unstable. Alina's older children realise what complications the adoption might bring and are afraid that there won't be enough room, time and love for everyone. But she convinces them that it's the right thing.
God Eats Love
Sound Director
When Maria Alekhina and other members of the Pussy Riot group were tried for an action in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Orthodox activist Dmitry Enteo strongly advocated punishing the girls. Now Alekhina and Enteo spend a lot of time together. Last week, with activists from The Other Russia, they went to the Ministry of Justice to conduct a public Bible reading — as a demonstration of their constitutional right to read the Holy Scriptures (and any other books) in public — without permission from officials.
I Will Dance
God's Will
Sound Director
A former neo-Buddhist who has become an ardent defender of Orthodox values, Dmitry Enteo riveted public attention after performing several eccentric actions on himself. He calls himself an orthodox ‘actionist’ and gathered a movement of Orthodox activists around himself called ’God’s Will’.
Come On, Scumbags
Sound Director
The lead character of the movie is modern day heroine, a girl aged 18 not yet ready to carry a burden of responsibility. She is no different from a thousand other girls either in terms of code of behavior, or style of speech, or desire to be loved. Except for one thing: in reality she is a boy.
Sound Director
The film features the life of mother and daughter who live in the woods near the outskirts of little city in Kazakhstan. The life on the edge of civilization, making money by selling scrap metal. Other people’s everyday life exists somewhere far away.