Natasha Wanganeen


A missionary’s wife questions her needs to "save souls" after finding solace in her new friendship with a Ngarrindjeri woman.
Simon Baker stars as Travis Hurley, a detective who arrives in a small Australian outback city to research a twenty-year-old unsolved homicide of a neighborhood Aboriginal lady. Forming bonds with the sufferer's fractured household, Travis unravels a collection of arduous truths, highlighting the complexities of loss and injustice skilled by First Nations Australians.
Government Offical
Um grupo de humanos busca respostas no futuro após as florestas, vida selvagem e plantas do planeta serem devastados pela mudança climática.
Uma Segunda Chance: Rivais!
A estrela da ginástica Maddy Cornell (Emily Morris, estrela de "A Second Chance") está no auge de sua carreira na ginástica e à beira de formar a equipe olímpica australiana, quando uma queda dramática em um evento de qualificação deixa seus planos futuros em espera. Devastada e desanimada, ela vai ficar no país com seu mentor de longa data e treinador Beverly Carmel (Carmel Johnson). Beverly convence Maddy a treinar uma nova equipe de jovens ginastas do clube local: a turbulenta e confiante líder de esquadrão Tess (Stella Shute), Alkira (Eva Grados), uma garota aborígine super talentosa e Tayla (Índia Colombi), que Está lutando...
Killer Native
A bitingly wicked take on first contact between British settlers and Aboriginal people – and zombies.
Upon completing his six years in jail, after taking the wrap for his brother Chris's crime, Rick finds his family in financial hardship and he is unable to acquire a job to help provide. In the hopes of finding financial freedom for their family, Rick is lured by Chris into a uniquely well devised and low risk method of bank robbing, and the boys quickly become successful career criminals. Their success is short lived as Rick is unaware that his older brother stole this full-proof method from another career criminal, who is now demanding full compensation, drawing the brothers into a high-stakes conflict for their freedom, family, the money, and redemption.
Rosie Fields
When Rosie Fields gets a call that her younger brother Tyson is at the police station, she knows the police are the least of his problems. Already irate at having to leave work, Rosie’s anger is pushed to its limit when she hears what Tyson is in trouble for. Can a cheeky smile and two cowering cops stand in the way of a sister pushed to breaking point?
A middle aged Aboriginal woman lives on her own in the community. Trapped in routine, Grace is determined to remain lonely and bored as punishment for her sins. With her days lost in the humdrum of a life alone and the mistakes of the past, Grace waits – for death or change, whichever comes first.
Andy (Martin Freeman) corre contra o tempo para salvar sua filha. Infectado por um vírus de uma pandemia zumbi, ele tem apenas 48 horas para encontrar um lugar seguro a fim de proteger a criança. A salvação que o pai procura pode estar em um tribo aborígene isolada, mas para ter acesso ao grupo, ele terá que ajudar uma jovem indígena em uma missão perigosa.
Geração Roubada
Nina, Dormitory Boss
Molly Craig (Everlyn Sampi) é uma jovem australiana de 14 anos que, em 1931, ao lado de sua irmã Daisy (Tianna Sansbury), de 10 anos, e sua prima Gracie (Laura Monaghan), de 8 anos, foge de um campo do governo britânico da Austrália, criado para treinar mulheres arborígenes para serem empregadas domésticas. Molly guia as meninas por quase três mil quilômetros através do interior do país, em busca da cerca que o divide e que a permitiria voltar para sua aldeia de origem, de onde foram tiradas dos braços de suas mães. Na jornada elas são perseguidas pelos homens do terrível governador A. O. Neville (Kenneth Branagh), o qual não admite que as meninas não estejam de acordo com o ditado pela sabedoria branca e cristã.
Bunker: The Last Fleet
The year is 2057. For six years the extraterrestrial invaders have occupied our world. The harvest of humankind has begun. When they arrived, everything was lost. The people, the land, the system… gone.
Bunker: The Last Fleet
The year is 2057. For six years the extraterrestrial invaders have occupied our world. The harvest of humankind has begun. When they arrived, everything was lost. The people, the land, the system… gone.
Bunker: The Last Fleet
The year is 2057. For six years the extraterrestrial invaders have occupied our world. The harvest of humankind has begun. When they arrived, everything was lost. The people, the land, the system… gone.