Akif Rustamov


Hökmdarın taleyi
This historical movie is about the situation of Ganja and Karabakh khanates between Russia and Iran war.
The Day Passed
Assistant Director
The film is about man and woman who remembered their childhood. The film reflects atmosphere of Baku. It is an adaptation of Anar Rzayev's "Georgian surname" novel.
Assistant Director
The film takes place in Baku in 1918-19 and then several years later. The film is based on the opera of the same name by Fikret Amirov. Sevil became the first film opera in the history of Azerbaijani cinema.
The Last Night of Childhood
Assistant Director
Murad, a young man fails the entrance exam to the Institute and starts working at the meat factory. His cousin Rustam, a worker on a building site, fights with him against the dishonest people who sell pieces of meat from the factory. After a series of dramatic situations, Murad and Rustam manage to uncover the thieves.