Chris Doubek

Chris Doubek


Chris Doubek


Guest at Hearst Bungalow
Durante a era de ouro de Hollywood, em Los Angeles da década de 1920, um jovem latino está determinado a conseguir uma carreira enquanto o cinema entra em fase de transição dos filmes mudos para produções com falas.
A young potter’s life devolves into chaos as he loses function of his body while being haunted by the physical manifestation of his childhood trauma.
The Retrospective
PJ (Spector #2)
In a satirical near-future, citizens are judged by a jury of their peers to determine whether they will proceed or conclude their journeys on earth.
Milagre Azul
Um grupo de crianças e o dono do orfanato onde moram se unem a um marinheiro rabugento para uma lucrativa competição de pesca esportiva, na tentativa de salvar a instituição.
Mister Limbo
Two strangers wake up in the middle of the desert, with no memory of anything - including their names. Are they dead, or did they just party too hard at burning man?
The Dark and the Wicked
Funeral Director
Dois irmãos retornam à isolada fazenda da família para acompanhar os últimos dias de vida de seu debilitado pai. O que a princípio parece ser um ritual de perda e consideração se transforma em algo bem diferente.
I Blame Society
A struggling filmmaker senses her peers are losing faith in her ability to succeed, so she decides to prove herself by finishing her last abandoned film and committing the perfect murder.
Num futuro recente, Bacurau, um povoado do sertão de Pernambuco, some misteriosamente do mapa. Quando uma série de assassinatos inexplicáveis começam a acontecer, os moradores da cidade tentam reagir. Mas como se defender de um inimigo desconhecido e implacável?
Hank apologizes during a game of golf.
The Mangina Exit
Older Blake
Blake is having relationship problems. His older brother Sebastian has an unorthodox solution that has been used for generations.
Shoot the Moon Right Between the Eyes
Jerry and Carl have conned their way from one small Texas town to another, but things go haywire when one of them falls in love with Maureen. Not to mention the P.I. that's hot on their trail... A musical comedy based on "Two Gallants" by James Joyce and the songs of John Prine.
A Haunting
Donald Brewer
A musician struggling to keep a supernatural affliction in check reluctantly indulges the wishes of zealous fan, but what begins as a comedic spook’em’up disturbingly creeps towards severe terror.
Thunder Road
Guy in a Nice Suit on a Bicycle
É a história de um policial texano que perde sua mãe, a guarda de sua filha e, eventualmente, seu emprego. Inspirado por uma das maiores canções já escritas, vemos o oficial Jim Arnaud aplicar essa canção de ninar de sua mãe, em sua vida, durante seu contínuo e hilariante colapso nervoso.
Festival Sangrento
Roger Hinckley
Fãs se reúnem para um festival que celebra os filmes de terror mais famosos, apenas para descobrir que o apresentador por trás do evento tem uma agenda diabólica. À medida que os participantes começam a morrer, três adolescentes que sabem tudo sobre filmes de terror devem se unir e combater todos os loucos, monstruosos e terríveis cenários para sobreviver.
Foxy Trot
A lesbian couple is unexpectedly faced with their relationship issues when they take ballroom dance lessons in a heteronormative class.
Cloudy All Day
A pair of birthday party clowns, stranded out in the countryside, are rescued by a neighborly man and his daughter — and then things take a turn.
9 Races
An injured jockey must endure nine races on nine horses over the course of one unforgiving night on the track. He will test the limits of his body and find what exists in the grey area between pain and beauty — if it doesn’t destroy him first.
Já Não Me Sinto em Casa Nesse Mundo
News Radio (voice)
Quando uma mulher deprimida é roubada, ela passa a viver com o propósito de rastrear os ladrões, ao lado de seu vizinho detestável. Porém, eles logo entendem que estão se envolvendo com um grupo perigoso de criminosos degenerados.
Sick Of It All
Camillion Daily
Antony, a stressed out, grown up, toy collector, has lost his youthful ways. Perhaps he lost his vigor through years of telemarketing, or it could be his constant struggle with the modern world. But maybe, just maybe it's because he finds himself in a loveless relationship with his lady of ten years, ROSE. Is it time for Antony to grow up and join the new age "sonic healing cult"? Or will he take the sage advice offered by his 7 year old nephew and find himself again?
Depois de ano de ausente, Krisha (Krisha Fairchild) se reúne novamente com sua família nas férias. Ela percebe que diante dela está a oportunidade de consertar os erros do passado, cozinhar o peru para a família e provar para seus entes queridos que ela mudou para melhor. Porém, os delírios de Krisha conduzem o feriado para uma experiência atordoante que ninguém vai esquecer.
Allen Crum
No dia primeiro de agosto de 1966 um atirador subiu no topo do prédio da Universidade do Texas e abriu fogo contra o local, deixando o campus refém por 96 minutos. Combinando imagens de arquivo e animação, o documentário revela histórias não contadas de testemunhas, heróis e sobreviventes do primeiro tiroteio em massa em uma escola norte-americana.
Robert the Attorney
A matriarch past the point of a nervous breakdown, her two daughters that don't give a damn, and the heat-seeking missiles of resentment they toss at each other.
Sete Irmãos Chineses
A trama conta a história de Larry, um homem infeliz e alcoólatra, que se apaixona por sua chefe.
Boyhood: Da Infância à Juventude
Guy in Diner
Acompanhe a vida do garoto Mason durante um período de doze anos, da infância à juventude, analisando seu relacionamento com os pais, suas descobertas, experiências e seus conflitos.
White Reindeer
Detective Ross
After an unexpected tragedy, Suzanne searches for the true meaning of Christmas during one sad, strange December in suburban Virginia.
Boys On Film X
Phil Kowalski (segment "Yeah Kowalski!")
Boys On Film presents the tenth volume in the world's most successful short film series. All boundaries will be broken as Boys On Film X promises to take it further than ever before, showcasing eight of the most sexy, unique and brilliant new short films, including: Jacob Brown's "Blinders" starring Nathaniel Brown, Byrdie Bell, and Luke Worrall; Fabio Youniss's "A Stable For Disabled Horses" starring Daniel Swan and Daniel Simonsen; Antony Hickling and Amaury Grisel's "Little Gay Boy, ChrisT Is Dead" starring Gaëtan Vettier; Till Kleinert's "Boys Village" starring Benjamin Thorne and Andrew McQueen; Lukas Dhont's "Headlong" starring Jelle Florizoone and Thomas Coumans; Evan Roberts's "Yeah Kowalski!" starring Cameron Wofford and Conor Donnelly; William Feroldi's "Inflatable Swamp" starring Francis Beraud and Paul Huntley-Thomas; and Dominic Haxton's "Teens Like Phil" starring Adam Donovan and Jake Robbins.
A Teacher
Eric's father
Uma professora do ensino médio, em Austin, Texas, tem um caso com um de seus alunos. Sua vida começa a desvendar quando o relacionamento chega ao fim.
Yeah Kowalski!
Phil Kowalski
13-year-old Gabe Kowalski is a late bloomer who goes to great lengths to impress his classmate crush, Shane.
The Horrible Life of Dr. Ghoul
Dr. Ghoul
A local TV host is having a bad day.
Loves Her Gun
The Clerk
Allie moves to Texas and embraces the slower pace of life and gun culture. She tries to maintain healthy relationships as the weapons she uses to protect herself lead her to a paranoid withdrawal from life.
Good Night
Leigh’s 29th birthday party takes a sudden turn when she announces that the evening maybe the last time her friends see her alive. A night of questions, coping and debauchery immediately follow.
Pictures of Superheroes
After being dumped and fired on the same day, Marie, a maid, gets a job cleaning up after an overworked businessman and the aggressively messy roommate he’s forgotten about, sending her into a surreal world of candy, insult comics, and pretend marriages.
The Man from Orlando
Orlando, a lifeguard in the summer and gangster in the winter, abandons his life of crime and returns to his hometown of Priddy, Texas. After getting in over his head with his Olympic swimmer ex-girlfriend and a crew of volunteer firefighters, his former lifeguard gang comes after him and the contents of his fanny pack.
Saturday Morning Massacre
Mike Ryan
A dark and bloody parody about a Scooby-Doo-like team of paranormal investigators and their devoted dog..
The Happy Poet
When Bill, the title character, secures a very small loan to start his dream business--a health food stand--his struggles as an idealistic micro-business owner begin.
Lovers of Hate
Two rival brothers engage in the ultimate challenge when they compete for the affections of the same woman.
Repetition (with Variation)
The Man
The man visits his senile mother and is faced with the same questions over and over.
Magic Carpet Rides
Phone-addicted influencer with anxiety, Callie, meets Leo, a carefree rebel, disconnected from the modern world. In a dysfunctional attempt to change each other, they end up changing themselves.