Arif Malikov

Arif Malikov


Arif Malikov


Murder in the Night Train
The film is about lad who joined the underworld, after coming from Afghan war.
The Native Shores
The film is about frontier-guards who averts the diversion in hydroelectric power station which was built by another state.
Wait for the Signal from the Sea
The film is about commissary Chingiz Ildirim.
Garib in the Land of Jinn
The Last Mountain Pass
Based on a novel by Farman Karimzade, the movie shows the life in an Azerbaijani village under the Soviet rule in 1930s. Here two former "beys" (land owners) are opposing each other. One is loyal to the ideology of the past and can't reconcile himself to the new power, to second rejects the past and accepts the power of the Bolsheviks, believing that it will establish justice.
The Stars don't Fade
The Twenty Six Comissars
The film is about dramatic revolutionary events happened in 1918 in Baku.
The Magic Gown
In the second half of the 20th century, a class of students prepare for the 40th anniversary of the Pioneer Organization in the old palace of Shah. Events unfold when the famous magician Io-Kio presents the magic gown that will throw a group of students into the future.
Legend of the Maiden Tower
Short animation from 1978 based on motifs of Azerbaijani legend.