Frank Schreiber


Voando Alto
Sound Designer
O pequeno Manou passou a vida inteira acreditando que era uma gaivota, quando na realidade ele é filho de um casal de andorinhas. Enquanto tenta aprender a voar, ele percebe que nunca será capaz de alçar grandes voos e foge de casa. Mas quando os animais correm perigo de vida a uma nova ameaça, só ele será capaz de salvar o dia.
On the Rim of the Sky
Gulu is a village of Yi people, located beyond the cliff's edge in Sichuan, China, there is no electricity. The villagers used the lianas and Heaven-Ladders to climb up and down the cliffs like a monkey. They had hardly contact with the outside world until a mule-horse-trail out of the rocks in 2004. The substitute teacher Shen is the only teacher in the Gulu Primary School and has worked over 20 years. Shen would really like to become a real teacher, but he has just a middle school education. One day, the young man Bao who called himself 'Don Quixote' came to Gulu because of the lianas and Heaven-Ladders. He felt, Gulu was just his utopia. Since then Shen's fate has changed dramatically.