Lauren Widdicombe


Fora da Lei
Costume Supervisor
When an Australian motorcycle gang leader is released from prison, he finds his former deputy on the cusp of giving control of their lucrative drug trade to a rival gang. When the deal goes south, the ensuing violence threatens to spin out of control as the gangs must contend with external threats and subversion within their own ranks — culminating in a deadly face-off between the heavily-armed crews in this epic and action-packed biker thriller.
O Rouxinol
Truck Costumer
Na Tasmânia de 1825, uma jovem irlandesa de 21 anos testemunha o assassinato brutal de seu marido e seu bebê por seus amigos. Incapaz de encontrar justiça, leva um rastreador aborígene com ela através do deserto infernal em busca de vingança.
Three Summers
Costume Supervisor
Set over three summers at The Westival, a fictional West Australian rural folk festival redoubtable local radio personality ‘Queenie' describes as "Australia in a tent". Two young musicians fall in love against a wider collection of tales dealing with a microcosm of contemporary discussion points, including Indigenous, immigration and refugee issues.
Bad Girl
Costume Coordinator
Bad girl Amy is given one last chance by her adoptive parents, who think her friendship with local girl Chloe is a step in the right direction. But when Amy discovers that Chloe harbors a dark secret, she finds herself fighting for her life
Sangue Jovem
Costume Assistant
O jovem JR se envolve em um pequeno crime e é preso. Na cadeia, ele conhece um mundo sem leis, onde cada um cuida apenas de si mesmo. Aos poucos, JR aproxima-de de Brendan Lynch, um dos mais famosos criminosos do local, que se torna o seu mentor e protetor. Mas em troca desta proteção, JR deve aceitar trabalhar para a gangue de Brendan quando estiver livre.