Vicky, an ambitious young bombshell living in Hollywood, gets hired to be the "Toy" of her favorite rock star, Stu, who is in desperate need of inspiration. Starry-eyed and reckless, she enters a world of fantasy fuelled by addiction and an abusive thirst for fame.
Jessica falls in love with the wrong man, aspiring actor Al Mariotti, who abandons her as soon as she achieves success. But she tries to start over, she meets by chance an eccentric billionaire, in disguise: he is actually the great film producer James Lorrimer. The two will get married and the girl will take revenge on her ex-boyfriend
Peter Gunn, a connoisseur of beautiful women and cool jazz, is an ex-cop turned private eye who's caught in the middle of a dangerous gang war.
Lobby Attendant
Refilmagem do clássico "Odeio-te Meu Amor", escrito e dirigido por Preston Sturges em 1948. Nessa segunda versão, o roteiro assinado por Valerie Curtin, Barry Levinson e Robert Klane dá lugar à comédia mais pura e simples. Moore, melhor pianista e compositor do que atuando, é o maestro que passa a desconfiar que a mulher (Kinski) o está traindo e tenta armar um plano para matá-la.
A seemingly perfect marriage disintegrates, as both husband and wife become involved in a series of affairs.