Beate Mainka-Jellinghaus

Nascimento : 1936-07-27,


Miscellaneous News
Celebrated West German director Alexander Kluge presents this drama that strings together vignettes of events taken from everyday newspaper headlines. Germans are shown in their reactions to World War II, minorities, and the elderly. A side plot follows a meeting between former West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and East German leader Erich Honecker.
Onde Sonham as Formigas Verdes
O geologista Lance Hackett trabalha para uma companhia de mineração na Austrália. O seu trabalho está para ser comprometido, já que uma grande trio de aborígenes está planejando interromper o seu trabalho de extração de urânio em uma área que é reclamada pelos nativos.
Looking for a Practical and Realistic Behaviour
The Cold War is peaking again in divided Germany in the early 1980s. How to deal with the upcoming nuclear annihilation shows this Alexander Kluge short.
The Power of Emotion
The emotion and feelings should not be confused with sentimentality. Emotion is ancient and more powerful than any artistic expression. The film observes young couples face difficulties while trying to move their love experiences clear decision making. A film full of ideas, details and associations, fictional scenes, documentary footage, archival materials and opera music.
Huie's Sermon
Reverend Huie Rogers is a preacher at the Bible Way Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Brooklyn. He is the topic of this short film, during which launches into an epic call-and-response denunciation of human hubris, greed, corruption and failure. The use of lengthy shots present it less like a sermon and more a performance, and induce an almost trance-like state.
Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald, Fitzcarraldo, fã do tenor italiano Enrico Caruso, sonha em construir uma casa de ópera na remota cidade de Iquitos, no alto Amazonas.
God's Angry Man
The documentary follows Gene Scott, famous televangelist involved with constant fights against FCC, who tried to shut down his TV show during the 1970s and '80s, and even argues with his viewers, complaining about their lack of support by not sending enough money to keep going with the show.
The Patriotic Woman
Gabi Teichert, a history teacher, is unhappy with the way history is portrayed in textbooks and is looking for an alternative, more practical approach to 'uncovering' the past, quite literally digging with the spade and dissecting books with hammers and drills.
Woyzeck é um soldado raso que participa de experimentos conduzidos por um médico da cidade para complementar a renda da família. Sua situação social começa a afetar sua sanidade e após uma experiência orientada de comer nada mais que ervilhas, Woyzeck pode estar a beira de um ataque nervoso.
Nosferatu, o Vampiro da Noite
Jonathan Harker é enviado à Transilvânia para completar a negociação de algumas propriedades com um homem chamado Conde Drácula. No caminho encontra camponeses que tentam dissuadi-lo, dizendo que coisas sobrenaturais acontecem no castelo do Conde, mas Harker continua sua missão para concluir a negociação e seu trabalho.
Alemanha no Outono
Germany in Autumn does not have a plot per se; it mixes documentary footage, along with standard movie scenes, to give the audience the mood of Germany during the late 1970s. The movie covers the two month time period during 1977 when a businessman was kidnapped, and later murdered, by the left-wing terrorists known as the RAF-Rote Armee Fraktion (Red Army Fraction). The businessman had been kidnapped in an effort to secure the release of the orginal leaders of the RAF, also known as the Baader-Meinhof gang. When the kidnapping effort and a plane hijacking effort failed, the three most prominent leaders of the RAF, Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, and Jan-Carl Raspe, all committed suicide in prison. It has become an article of faith within the left-wing community that these three were actually murdered by the state.
Alemanha no Outono
Germany in Autumn does not have a plot per se; it mixes documentary footage, along with standard movie scenes, to give the audience the mood of Germany during the late 1970s. The movie covers the two month time period during 1977 when a businessman was kidnapped, and later murdered, by the left-wing terrorists known as the RAF-Rote Armee Fraktion (Red Army Fraction). The businessman had been kidnapped in an effort to secure the release of the orginal leaders of the RAF, also known as the Baader-Meinhof gang. When the kidnapping effort and a plane hijacking effort failed, the three most prominent leaders of the RAF, Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, and Jan-Carl Raspe, all committed suicide in prison. It has become an article of faith within the left-wing community that these three were actually murdered by the state.
Alemanha no Outono
Germany in Autumn does not have a plot per se; it mixes documentary footage, along with standard movie scenes, to give the audience the mood of Germany during the late 1970s. The movie covers the two month time period during 1977 when a businessman was kidnapped, and later murdered, by the left-wing terrorists known as the RAF-Rote Armee Fraktion (Red Army Fraction). The businessman had been kidnapped in an effort to secure the release of the orginal leaders of the RAF, also known as the Baader-Meinhof gang. When the kidnapping effort and a plane hijacking effort failed, the three most prominent leaders of the RAF, Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, and Jan-Carl Raspe, all committed suicide in prison. It has become an article of faith within the left-wing community that these three were actually murdered by the state.
La Soufrière
Werner Herzog takes a film crew to the island of Guadeloupe when he hears that the volcano on the island is going to erupt. Everyone has left, except for one old man who refuses to leave.
Com uma vida marcada por passagens em internatos e reformatórios, o alcoólatra Stroszek acaba de sair da prisão e passa a viver com a prostituta Eva. Ao lado do senhor Clemens Scheitz, um vizinho amigo e idoso, eles decidem ir para os Estados Unidos, procurando uma nova vida.
Coração de Gelo
A small Bavarian village is renowned for its "Ruby Glass" glass blowing works. When the foreman of the works dies suddenly without revealing the secret of the Ruby Glass, the town slides into a deep depression, and the owner of the glassworks becomes obssessed with the lost secret.
How Much Wood Would a Woodchuck Chuck
A documentary short examining the language and performance of auctioneering, filmed at the World Livestock Auctioneer Championship in Pennsylvania.
No One Will Play with Me
A darkly humorous short documentary about a preschool-age boy ostracised from interactions with his classmates until a girl who has become interested in his pet crow provides the link to social acceptance.
In Danger and Dire Distress the Middle of the Road Leads to Death
Combining fictional and documentary modes, Kluge's In Danger and Dire Distress... takes a critical stance toward Frankfurt's public sphere and urban redevelopment. Despite the serious formal and political concerns of the film, Kluge's heightened sense of the absurd safeguards a reserve of utopian optimism.
O Enigma de Kaspar Hauser
Na manhã de 26 de maio de 1828, na cidade de Nuremberg, um rapaz foi abandonado com uma pequena carta endereçada ao capitão da cidade. Os habitantes acharam que o rapaz fosse doente ou tivesse alguma deficiência, pois não conseguia andar e sequer se comunicar. A carta dizia seu nome, Kaspar Hauser, e explicava que toda a vida ele havia passado preso em uma torre, nunca aprendendo nada ou vivendo em sociedade. Após ser adotado por uma família e aprender a falar, o rapaz contou que até o dia em que foi abandonado jamais havia visto antes o rosto de uma pessoa. Kaspar tornou-se um fenômeno entre a realeza alemã, principalmente pela aptidão assustadora que tinha para a música, mas era incapaz de diferenciar sonhos e realidade e não conseguia compreender as convenções sociais, como a política e a religião. O filme é baseado em fatos reais. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner
A study of the psychology of a champion ski-flyer, whose full-time occupation is carpentry.
Besitzbürgerin, Jahrgang 1908
Short by Alexander Kluge.
Aguirre, a Cólera dos Deuses
Em 1561 o conquistador espanhol Gonzalo Pizarro parte em uma expedição pelos Andes buscando a lendária cidade de El Dorado, uma lenda contada aos espanhóis pelos índios. Uma expedição de dezenas de pessoas cruzou as montanhas do Peru, e percebendo o cansaço dos soldados e escravos, Pizarro designou um pequeno grupo para explorar a região, nomeando dois nobres como líderes. Conforme buscam El Dorado, a ambição começa a crescer em Lope de Aguirre que trai o companheiro e toma o controle do grupo para si. Em meio às intrigas, nenhum deles contava que a natureza seria o seu inimigo mais poderoso.
Terra do Silêncio e da Escuridão
O filme acompanha Fini Straubinger, de 56 anos, que aos 16 perdeu a vista e dois anos mais tarde ficou completamente surda. Primeiramente é a sua existência quotidiana e a de várias outras pessoas em situação idêntica. Depois traça-se rapidamente a evolução da sua doença, a queda na escada, os sintomas sempre crescente da perda das suas faculdades, um longo período de desânimo e inação que, mais tarde, vem a ser superado. Fini Strauberg consegue triunfar das condições adversas em que vivia, ultrapassando a dificuldade de comunicação, o isolamento, a descrença. Vive agora na Baviera, trabalha como visitadora de outros seus semelhantes, lutando para que cada um possa ver melhorada a sua situação.
The Big Mess
Outer space in 2034 is run by greedy corporations in a rundown bureaucracy. Two astronauts, who are not very smart, make their way with shady dealings, smuggling and spaceship wrecking.
Fata Morgana
Shot under extreme conditions and inspired by Mayan creation theory, the film contemplates the illusion of reality and the possibility of capturing for the camera something which is not there. It is about the mirages of nature—and the nature of mirage.
Handicapped Future
A documentary by Werner Herzog exploring the different treatment accorded to the disabled in Germany and the USA.
Os Anões Também Começaram Pequenos
Num mundo onde todos são anões, um grupo de jovens que moram num orfanato estavam cansados das regras, e resolvem se rebelar. Enquanto um deles é pego pelo diretor na fuga, os outros transformam a instituição em completa anarquia.
The Flying Doctors of East Africa
The Flying Doctors of East Africa (German: Die Fliegenden Ärzte von Ostafrika) is a 1969 documentary film by Werner Herzog about the "flying doctors" service of the African Medical and Research Foundation in Tanzania, Kenya, and Nairobi.
The Indomitable Leni Peickert
The Indomitable Leni Peickert is a loose, half-hour sequel to Alexander Kluge's second feature film, Artists in the Big Top: Perplexed. This shorter work, seemingly assembled from leftover footage from the longer film, continues the story of the circus owner Leni Peickert after she first abandoned her idea of a radical circus in favor of a job in television. It opens where the previous film left off, at a TV station where Leni and her friends have gathered as employees, attempting to infiltrate the corporate establishment with their own revolutionary ideas. This radicalism is somewhat undercut by the way that Kluge deliberately shoots down the low-cut blouse of one of these young revolutionaries, the camera eyeing her cleavage and then panning down, to the text she's reading, and then back up again, finding her sexuality ultimately much more interesting than her radicalism.
Medidas Contra Fanáticos
The film features several horse trainers and other track workers talking about their roles at the track, always eventually interrupted by an older man who claims to be the true authority, and demands that they be thrown out. One recurring young man, the first to appear, claims that he protects the horses from enthusiastic racing fans. He does not appear to be employed by the track, but seems to provide his services voluntarily. His protection from "fanatics" gives the film its title. The film is shot in a documentary style, but the sheer implausibility of the dialogue leaves the exact nature of the film ambiguous.
Aktiver Streik - Universität Frankfurt Wintersemester 1968/69
Documentary film by Günther Hörmann.
Os Artistas Sob a Cúpula do Circo
Como seu pai antes dela, a dona de circo Leni Peickert (Hannelore Hoger) também quer levar o desempenho artístico a seu ponto máximo. Ao mesmo tempo, seu ideal é a naturalidade. Ela quer mudar o circo, mas suas inovações levam a empresa à bancarrota. “Se o capitalista faz aquilo de que gosta,/ e não aquilo que lhe traz vantagem,/ Não recebe apoio de ninguém”. Revigorada, Leni Peickert busca uma segunda chance, agora na televisão comercial
Signs of Life
During World War II, three German soldiers are withdrawn from combat when one of them, Stroszek, is wounded. They are assigned to a small coastal community on the Greek island of Kos while Stroszek recuperates. The men become increasingly stir crazy in their uneventful new assignment. Stroszek eventually goes mad.
Últimas Palavras
Early short by Werner Herzog shot while being on location in Greece shooting "Lebenszeichen".
E.A. Winterstein, Fire Extinguisher
Kluge’s short-film starring his sister/muse Alexandra.
Frau Blackburn, geb. 5. Jan. 1872, wird gefilmt
Die Kinder
Short by Edgar Reitz.
Lust for Love
Elizabeth is a young woman who seeks happiness excessively burning out all those around her.
Despedida de Ontem
Uma jovem, Anita G., rouba um pulôver para se aquecer. Cumprida a pena, ela faz várias tentativas de começar vida nova. Depois de uma fuga em ziguezague, vai parar de novo na cadeia. Os nazistas tinham levado seus pais. Ela vem do Leste e agora passa frio no Oeste. Três Alemanhas. Prêmio Especial do Júri do Festival de Veneza.
Policeman's Lot
Early Alexander Kluge short film that follows the career of a German policeman from World War I into the 1960s.
Documentary short by Edgar Reitz.
Early documentary by Edgar Reitz.