Lilith Grasmug

Lilith Grasmug


Lilith Grasmug


Foreign Language
Teenage pen pals in France and Germany forge a friendship through letters, exploring cultural differences and improving their foreign language skills.
La Morsure
A Catholic schoolgirl is convinced tonight is her last night on Earth and decides to attend a costume party with her best friend.
Chambre avec vue
An actress, Lilith Grasmug, describes her hotel room.
Noite de Paris
Élisabeth tem dois filhos jovens, e está passando pelo divórcio. No primeiro emprego, ela conhece Talulah e cria uma conexão materna, acolhendo a menina na família.
Bloody Oranges
França, nos dias de hoje. Várias narrativas se desenvolvem simultaneamente: um casal de aposentados atolado em dívidas tenta ganhar um concurso de dança; o ministro da Economia é suspeito de sonegação de impostos; uma adolescente encontra um maníaco sexual, enquanto um jovem advogado tenta subir alguns degraus na hierarquia social. E nessa conturbada cadeia de eventos, o vencedor não será necessariamente aquele que esperamos.
Sophia Antipolis
Sophia Antipolis: a technopole on the French Riviera, a place where dreams should come true. But fear and despair lurk beneath the surface. Under a deceitful sun, five lives map out the haunting story of a young woman: Sophia.
Morning Dew
It grew during a moist summer night. This strange outgrowth in the middle of Nanni’s face. Maybe the answer lies in the park, with sweet flowers surrounding him? Or unless it's under the skirt of Alouette, which shudders with mystery?
Listening Eyes
Laure is spending her holidays at her father’s house in the countryside, she is bored. Until intriguing presences trouble her loneliness.
La morsure
Shrove Tuesday in 1967. Seventeen-year-old Françoise is a boarder in a Catholic High School. Convinced she only has one night to live before she dies, she sneaks out with her friend Delphine to attend a costume party and live this night as if it were her last.