This short film tells the story of Bianca, a nonbinary person, struggling to find the place for gender fluidity within the rigid world of ballet. Bianca finds their own voice, in this dance-filled rumination on coming out, not as one thing or another, but as something in between.
An incredibly bright, but socially awkward teenage girl decides to take her virginity into her own hands.
An incredibly bright, but socially awkward teenage girl decides to take her virginity into her own hands.
Executive Producer
An incredibly bright, but socially awkward teenage girl decides to take her virginity into her own hands.
Lanie Burroughs
An incredibly bright, but socially awkward teenage girl decides to take her virginity into her own hands.
A washed-up voice director succumbs to the pitfalls of small-time celebrity at an anime convention.
Jess' Best Freind
O filme é uma história de fantasma que se passa na atual casa dos notórios e ainda não solucionados assassinatos do machado de 1912. Três jovens invadem a casa em busca de respostas, mas descobrem uma coisa que ultrapassa seus piores medos.