Introducing Hellarious: a once-in-a-lifetime feature collection that brings together seven of the most legendary horror comedy shorts ever made. The stories, from some of the world’s best genre filmmakers, feature a hilarious menagerie of zombie wives, amateur satanists, reverse werewolves, cannibal lunch ladies and more -- along with gust-busting gags, gross-outs and gore. Included in Hellarious: Lunch Ladies by Clarissa Jacobson and J.M. Logan, Horrific by Robert Boocheck (ABCs of Death 2), Death Metal by Chris McInroy, Born Again and ‘Til Death by Jason Tostevin and Randall Greenland, Killer Kart by James Feeney, and Bitten by Sarah K. Reimers.
Director of Photography
Seven festival-winning shorts. Seven horrifying and hilarious tales of people trapped in their own special hells. The perfect Halloween movie.
A Texas goat rancher must defend his double-wide trailer from a mysterious predator.
In 1876 Wyoming, the gun is the only law. And for Duncan and Suzanna McKaskel, newly arrived settlers beset by outlaws, rugged frontiersman Con Vallian is the only hope.
Em Elm Street, um grupo de adolescentes partilha o mesmo sonho: um homem com uma camisola vermelha e verde às riscas, com um velho chapéu a tentar esconder uma cara desfigurada e uma luva com lâminas na mão direita. E todos ouvem a mesma voz assustadora... um por um, os amigos são aterrorizados nos seus sonhos, onde esta presença dita as regras. Quando acontece uma morte violenta, eles percebem que o que acontece nos sonhos torna-se realidade.