Sarai Givaty

Sarai Givaty

Nascimento : 1982-06-24, Tiberias, Israel


Sarai Givaty, sometimes spelled Sarai Givati, is a well known actress, and model in Israel. Her first role was in a live sketch on the Israeli tonight show (Kol Layla (2004)) where she played an American reporter. The segment was very successful. On the final show, Israeli hush critic Raana Shacked called it "the pick of the show". Sarai continued shooting the segment even after she moved to New York where she attended acting school at the HB Studios. in 2005 Sarai was a part of a small cast who received the "Best Teen Show of The Year" from the Israel Golden Screen Award (Masah Hazahav). Shortly there after, Sarai became a big name in the Israeli entertainment industry and received many large company endorsements. A year later Sarai decided to explore her work options in Los Angeles. Upon her arrival, she quickly landed the lead role in a film called The Passage (2007) starring opposite Stephen Dorff. in 2007, the movie premiered at the Toronto Film Festival where critics called Sarai's performance "star making". Some other notable project she's worked on was the lead in the Enrique Iglesias video "Somebody's Me". In 2008 she also played a Russian spy in the pilot My Own Worst Enemy (2008) next to Christian Slater...although the show went off the air after three episodes. In 2009 Sarai was back in Israel to shoot yet another comedic role in TV series called "The Pilot Wives". Sarai also plays piano and guitar in a band and has been playing concerts in both Israel and Los Angeles. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Wikipedia


Sarai Givaty


Yair, an ultra-Orthodox Yeshiva student, opens an electronics shop in "Geula", a neighborhood that is the shopping epicenter for the entire ultra-Orthodox community in Jerusalem. The religious character of the neighborhood is enforced by the "Geula Committee" and Yair strictly adheres to their rules. His shop is introducing a world of advanced technology that overnight becomes a magnet for every ultra-Orthodox household, but the increasing intrusion of modernity is an affront to the committee, leading to an inevitable conflict that forces Yair into a desperate struggle for survival.
Desejo do Corpo
Alice (Kristanna Loken) trabalha como ghostwriter para um escritor famoso, no entanto, desde que sofreu um acidente durante uma viagem à Malta, ela sofre de depressão e não consegue escrever. Com o prazo da editora se aproximando, Alice volta a cidade com o marido para tentar recuperar sua inspiração e entender o que aconteceu no ano anterior. Chegando na casa de verão, ela conhece Sara (Sarai Givaty), uma jovem confiante que rapidamente vira sua amiga íntima.
Words with Gods
(ep. "The Book of Amos")
The first of four installments in the groundbreaking Heartbeat of the World anthology film series. Comprised of several short films by some of the world's most exciting directors, Words with Gods follows the theme of religion - specifically as it relates to an individual's relationship with his/her god or gods...or the lack thereof. In Words with Gods, each director recounts a narrative centered around human fragility, as well as environmental and cultural crises involving specific religions with which each has a personal relationship; including early Aboriginal Spirituality, Umbanda, Buddhism, the Abrahamic faiths, Hinduism, and Atheism. An animated sequence by Mexican animator Maribel Martinez is woven through each of the film segments, with each segment narratively connected as a feature-length film.
Os Mercenários 3
Barney e sua trupe de mercenários resgatam Doc, um dos integrantes do grupo, que estava preso há oito anos. Ao participarem de uma missão, os mercenários são surpreendidos quando reencontram Conrad, um comerciante de armas impiedoso, que Barney pensava ter matado. Novos membros, mais jovens e mais rápidos, entram para equipe e um novo duelo começa.
A trama enfoca a história de amor entre o filho de Zeus e a princesa mortal de Creta, prometida para o irmão mais velho do semideus. Após serem enganados por um maléfico rei, Hércules e o capitão são vendidos como escravos e devem lutar lado a lado para retomar sua liberdade.
A Passagem
Luke, um fotógrafo americano, e seu amigo inglês, Adam, viajando pelo Marrocos e encantam-se com a exótica Zahara, uma nativa. A princípio seduzidos por Zahra, eles sentem um crescente temor, à medida que ela misteriosamente os leva a um remoto e incrivelmente belo lugar nas Montanhas Atlas. Numa impressionante seqüência que intensifica sua assustadora aventura, os personagens entram num claustrofóbico labirinto de túneis subterrâneos que os levará a um chocante desfecho.