Igor Bogolyubov

Igor Bogolyubov

Nascimento : 1930-10-09, Ленинград, СССР (Санкт-Петербург, Россия)

Morte : 1989-05-04


Igor Bogolyubov


Kin-Dza-Dza conta a história de dois humanos que, ao apertar um botão por engano, acabam parando num planeta desconhecido, chamado de Plyuk, na galáxia de Kin-Dza-Dza. O filme é uma espécie de road movie no deserto alienígena, onde imperam a falsidade, a hierarquia e a ganância (principalmente por fósforos, o produto mais valioso do mundo).
My Sister Lucy
The film is a recollection of an adult about the unforgettable days of the first post-war year. Klava, who lost her husband at the front, with her 12-year-old daughter Lyusya sheltered Aygul with a seven-year-old boy in her house. Aygul's son - the main character, now became a pilot, recalls his childhood in a small Kazakh city, which fell on a difficult post-war time. Flying high above the Earth, he thinks of the Russian girl Lyusya, from his distant past.
Несравненный Наконечников
A Second Spring
Yegor (uncredited)
The front-line friends during the heavy battle swore to each other that the one who would survive would continue the work of the deceased. Mikhail Nesterov remained alive and the main business of his life was the search for a deposit of valuable clay. These searches began his friend before the war, in remote taiga places. Yevdokiya Perevalova — the widow of a deceased friend decides to help Nesterov get to those deaf places...
The 1975 film by Georgi Daneliya "Afonya" was an unexpected commercial hit in USSR. The main character "Afonya" Borshev is a plumber, who spends his life partying with "buddies", many of whom he doesn't even remember after nights of heavy drinking. His wife leaves him, his boss places him on probation, his whole life is falling apart, but he doesn't realize it. Afonya met Katya at a dance club, yet didn't pay her much attention. But she is the one, who can save him... In this movie Daneliya achieves a perfect balance of satire and drama. Quotes from the movie gained a cult status in USSR.
Лесная баллада
Сколько лет, сколько зим!
Poyezd miloserdiya
Walking the Streets of Moscow
Young men wander around Moscow as a last hurrah before a wedding.
Человек с будущим
Baltic Skies
Based on the novel of the same name by Nikolai Chukovsky. The end of August 1941. At night, a truck rushes along the last road not yet occupied by the enemy to Leningrad. In the back of two — civil aviation pilot Lunin and commissar of the air division Uvarov. Lunin, a man no longer young, experienced, but had not yet been in battle, was sent to the legendary squadron of fighter pilots under the command of Captain Rassokhin. This squadron fought from the first day of the war and has already lost most of its composition. The story of the harsh everyday life of the defenders of Leningrad, full of heroism and tragedy; about the heavy share of city residents who fell into the ring of an enemy blockade. In the center of the story is the fate of military pilots who had to fight in the sky over Leningrad and the Baltic.
The Rescued Generation
Viktor's father
Antonina Vasilyevna, as a member of the bureau of the district committee of the party, was instructed to save the Leningrad children, whom the war overtook in the suburban camps. She took them to the Kirov region. After twelve days of hard travel, the children arrived in the village of Supryadki...
Street Is Full of Surprises
Chief accountant Porfiry Petrovich Smirnov-Alyansky, who took a good walk on the anniversary of his colleague cashier Ivan Zakharovich Vodnev, climbs into the traffic controller's booth and disrupts traffic on one of the streets of Leningrad. However, the guard Vasiliy Shaneshkin mistakenly delivers to the police station not an escaped offender, but a quite decent cashier. In addition, Vodnev, offended by the police, turns out to be the father of the bride Shaneshkin — Katya. Vasiliy admits his guilt, but, not daring to explain himself, leaves the angry Ivan Zakharovich with bad thoughts about the Soviet police. Fortunately, the young sergeant will soon have an opportunity to prove to others the responsibility and conscientiousness of the police officers.