Han Sanping
Nascimento : 1953-10-01, 中国,四川,宜
Executive Producer
The film revolves around the story of Li Yitian, who struggles in a big city, showing the current situation of the life of a new generation of young people, focusing on the ordinary people who are trying to live in contemporary society, and their pain and struggle from ideals to helplessness to new life.
Executive Producer
O Capitão Ernest Krause lidera uma frota de 37 navios pelo Atlântico para entregar soldados e mantimentos indispensáveis às forças aliadas.
The Founding of an Army is a 2017 Chinese film commissioned by China's government to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army.
Um agente da Interpol, o Capitão Zhong Wen (Jackie Chan) sabe tudo sobre sacrifício. Ele sempre foi muito ocupado perseguindo bandidos para ser um pai para sua filha Miao (Jing Tian). Uma noite, ele é convidado a conhecer o seu noivo, dono do clube, Wu Jiang (Liu Ye). Mas os planos do noivo incluem tomar Miao, Zhong, e todo o clube refém. Último filme da Série 'Police Story'.
Executive Producer
Um jovem praticante de artes marciais deixa de lado sua vida pacata vida em Pequim para disputar o campeonato Wulin Wang. O que ele não esperava era ter que lidar com o submundo da cidade para proteger o legado de seu local de nascimento, Ling Kong Tai Chi.
Executive Producer
Em um mundo atormentado por demônios que causam grande sofrimento humano, o jovem caçador de demônios Tang Sanzang deve lutar contra demônios monstruosos, bem como enfrentar uma bela mulher caçadora de demônios em seu caminho para a iluminação.
An accident causes a wealthy man to swap souls with a poor woman.
In 1942, Henan Province was devastated by the most tragic famine in modern Chinese history, resulting in the deaths of at least three million men, women and children. Although the primary cause of the famine was a severe drought, it was exacerbated by locusts, windstorms, earthquakes, epidemic disease and the corruption of the ruling Kuomintang government.
Ma Nan and Xiaoyu are a couple who have been in love for many years. Ma Nan bought a property in the suburbs, just in time for Xiaoyu's birthday. So he called his colleagues and friends and the party was held in a cheerful atmosphere. Next door to Ma Nan's house lived a couple who often quarreled. The unusually loud noise aroused the curiosity of party-goers. They went next door together to find out, but unexpectedly found a terrifying and bloody murder scene. The apartment, which was originally sparsely populated, seems to have turned into a huge haunted house. Flickering lights, shrill screams, and maddened murders. A plague-like virus spreads freely in the apartment.
A chronicle of the events that led to the founding of the Chinese Communist Party.
A chronicle of the events that led to the founding of the Chinese Communist Party.
A China esta mergulhada em lutas de senhores da guerra, rivais tentam expandir seu poder sobre as terras vizinhas. Impulsionado pro seu sucesso no campo de batalha, o jovem e arrogante zomba Jie Hao um mestre de Shaolin quando ele bate em um deles em um duelo. Mas o orgulho vem antes da queda. Quando sua familia é exterminada por um caudilho rival, Hao é obrigado a refugiar-se.
Set during China's the Warring States Period (476-221 BC), benevolent warrior Chenkang Lu (Joe Odagiri) enters into a torrid love affair with a woman (Maggie Q) from the nomadic Harran tribe. Their relationship sends the warrior to a place where humans were once wolves...
Após o fim da guerra civil chinesa em 1949, o Partido Comunista passou a regra no continente e Kuomingtang foi forçado a retirar-se para a ilha de Taiwan. O novo poder, juntamente com outras partes, em seguida se uniram para organizar o primeiro Política do Povo Chinês Conferência Consultiva (CCPPC) e discutir o estabelecimento da República Popular da China (RPS).
Executive Producer
Louis Koo plays 009, or translated literally from its aural pronunciation, double-O Dog. He's one of 12 special Royal Bodyguards of a simpleton Emperor (Liu Yiwei) who named these 12 guards after the Chinese Zodiac, hence 9 translated to Dog. Unlike his peers, Dog is a scientist, and relies pretty much on his brains and fantastical gadgets to protect his Majesty from evil ninja assassins.
Executive Producer
Uma mulher chinesa pobres, mas mal-humorada, disfarçado como um menino, junta-se à tripulação da estrada de ferro nas montanhas rochosas para procurar seu pai perdido há muito tempo, e se apaixona com o filho do magnata da ferrovia.
City of Life and Death takes place in 1937, during the height of the Second Sino-Japanese War. The Imperial Japanese Army has just captured the then-capital of the Republic of China, Nanjing. What followed was known as the Nanking Massacre, or the Rape of Nanking, a period of several weeks wherein tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers and civilians were killed.
A história se baseia em eventos dos anos 220 a 280 D.C. e conta uma passagem do Romance dos Três Reinos, livro escrito por volta do ano 1350 por Luo Guanzhong. Nele, os três feudos existentes no território chinês entram em conflito. A batalha climática, que envolveu cerca de um milhão de combatentes, teve de um lado dois senhores, Sun Quan and Liu Bei, derrotando o superior exército invasor de Cao Cao. Pouco tempo depois, a dinastia Han terminou oficialmente e o país foi dividido entre os três reinos. A Batalha dos Três Reinos é a primeira parte de uma saga de mais de quatro horas. O longa ainda possui uma segunda parte.
Um pai chinês muito pobre não pode comprar um presente para o filho pequeno. Por isso decide apanhar um brinquedo velho em um lixão. No entanto, aquele se revela um brinquedo mágico vindo do espaço, o que faz a vida daquele pai passar por grandes transformações.
Executive Producer
Um homem é quase morto em uma violenta batalha, mas consegue sobreviver e se recupera ao encontrar e se apaixonar por uma misteriosa e bela mulher. Ele descobre que ela faz parte de um clã de ladrões, e faz amizade com os dois chefões do grupo. Com isso, os três fazem um pacto de irmandade e lutam juntos contra uma poderosa tropa imperial, que está ameaçando a vida de toda a população.
Executive Producer
O agente secreto Ethan Hunt volta a reunir-se com sua equipa de agentes. A sua missão é recuperar e destruir um vírus mortal desenvolvido por australianos, antes que este caia nas mãos erradas.
Após uma terrível tragédia, um lutador de artes marciais isola-se em uma vila remota com o intuito de desenvolver uma nova visão das coisas importantes da vida. Porém, quando ele retorna para a cidade para reconciliar o passado com o presente, acaba tendo que lutar em defesa da honra da China.
Os encantos de uma linda princesa na China antiga seduzem três homens totalmente diferentes, todos envolvidos em uma trama política e militar. Na tentativa de conquistá-la, eles comprometem muito mais do que o seu amor.
Guei, 16 anos, chega da província a Pequim e encontra trabalho como paquete. Dão-lhe roupa e emprestam uma bicicleta. Quando já a tem quase paga, a bicicleta é roubada perto de um edifício onde tinha ido entregar uma encomenda. Sem bicicleta, Guei fica sem trabalho. Desesperado, corre Pequim à procura dela. Quase por milagre, o seu melhor amigo diz-lhe que a viu na posse de Jian, um estudante que a comprou na feira da ladra. A bicicleta pertence agora aos dois. É preciso aprender a partilhá-la...
Filmmaker Ning Ying returns to her favorite theme – the gradual decay of traditional Chinese values and culture at the dawn of the 21st century – in this low-key drama. Desi (Yu Lei) is a cab driver who has recently broken up with his wife. Lonely, Desi is searching for a new love, and as he drifts through Beijing in search of fares and a girlfriend, he sees a city that is increasingly bending to the influence of the West, with traditional pastimes and customs forced to make way for the onslaught of the free-market economy. Xia Ri Nuan Yangyang has been screened on the international film festival circuit in two different versions; the cut shown at the 2001 Rotterdam Film Festival ran 99 minutes, while the film was only 79 minutes when it appeared at the Berlin Film Festival that same year.
Associate Producer
This family tale spans three generations of Chinese trying to understand and come to terms with life's changes. Middlesome relatives stir up a storm. The old and the young find themselves and their values developing and evolving, and new relationships come and go. The eldest family member, Guan, the son of a royal physician of the former Qing Dynasty, has also become a great physician who is able to predict the exact time of a patient's death. His ex-daughter-in-law, Yu, trained by him to be a physician, still stays with the family as his assistant. Her ex-husband, Jin, comes back from the USA with his new girlfriend, Jenny, a beautiful American who is doing a research on the death of Guangxu, the second last Emperor of Qing Dynasty who is Guan's father's patient. Jenny speaks fluent Mandarin, but she has a long way to go before understanding and getting accustomed to the Chinese tradition and mindset. On the other hand, Yu falls in love with her old friend who is a married man.
Father documents the tumultuous relationship between a widowed father, Ma Lisheng, and his school-age son, Ma Che. Though he works as a low-level party functionary during the day, he finds his greatest challenges in the raising of a son on his own. Alternating between trying to bond with his son (even getting drunk with him), and verbally accosting him, Ma is at a loss. One day the son decides that the best way for his father to stop harassing him, will be to find him a new wife, which he finds in the form of the mother of a school friend, Qing Huaiyuan.
General Feng Shi and Dr. Lu Guangda return from America to lead a team of scientists and soldiers to research and develop China's own atomic bomb.
Lunar Eclipse is an urban drama following the wife of a newlywed couple who becomes mesmerized by an amateur photographer who claims to have once been in love with a woman who looked just like her.
A young couple has recently purchased their dream house and are expecting a baby. One day, while his wife is out, an ex-girlfriend arrives at the door drenched from rain. She had heard of his wife's pregnancy and had only come to sell the couple insurance. The husband allows her to take a shower in his home. Suddenly, his in-laws arrive at the home unexpectedly, and he must find a way to get his ex-girlfriend out of the home without his in-laws noticing and before his wife comes home.
Two young farm workers, who like millions of others, leave their village to seek their fortunes in the city. Each chose a vastly different path to make it and become embroiled in misunderstandings, gangster brawls and police raids.
Executive Producer
In pre-unified China, the King of Qin sends his concubine to a rival kingdom to produce an assassin for a political plot, but as the king's cruelty mounts she finds her loyalty faltering.
First film directed by Lu Xuechang.
Take crime out of police work, and what's left is procedures. In the western sector of Beijing, we follow the tedium of police officers. A rabid dog is loose in Guoli's beat: a gang of police officers hunts it down. Then, word comes from on high to pick up all the dogs in the sector: fear of rabies combines with the dogs' being status symbols of the nouveau riche. Occasionally a criminal is picked up: someone selling porn, someone running a three-card-monte game. Cops smoke, go to meetings, and hold trainings. They patrol on bicycles and enforce edicts. Guoli works nights. He's lazy at home, his wife wants him to do more. Is there any more to do?
While visiting Shanghai, handsome young developer Hong meets the beautiful Kwun. Together they embark on a search for his friends from home, a brother and sister, who have become the targets of a ruthless gang leader, Keung. Now embroiled in a brutal criminal war with gambling and a seductive nightclub singer at the center, the innocents must fight to survive as the stakes rise to include their own lives!