Georg Baselitz: Making Art after Auschwitz and Dresden explores the artist's brilliant career through his 2007 retrospective exhibition at London's Royal Academy of Arts. Accompanied by curator Norman Rosenthal, who first exhibited paintings by Baselitz in the early 1970's, the artist discusses painting, sculpture and the trajectory of his work. The exhibit emphasizes Baselitz ability to create imagery that deals unflinchingly with his position as a post-war artist. In responding to contemporary experience and exploring his own painterly instincts, Baselitz creates symbols which reflect deep-rooted human dilemmas and concerns.
Wittgenstein, the teacher
About a group of graduates from Cambridge University who go back to their college to visit a friend who has stayed on there. Otto Muehl founded a community of artists in Vienna in 1970 with the aim of exploring a completely free life practice. Since 1972, this society experiment at the Friedrichshof in Burgenland, 60 kilometers from Vienna, further developed. From the mid-1970s, other municipalities were founded in 30 European cities. At Friedrichshof itself lived at times up to 240 members and visitors.
Emperor's Guest
Na Roma do ano de 303, numa festa no palácio do Imperador Diocleciano, soldados se divertem torturando um jovem cristão. Sebastiane, capitão da guarda e também cristão, revolta-se com a situação. Deposto e exilado numa ilha remota, sua religião o torna vulnerável a humilhações de outros soldados e aos impulsos sexuais do centurião Severus.
Apoiando-se em sua fé em Deus, Sebastiane não reage às agressões. O único a se importar com ele é Justin, com quem cria uma relação afetuosa. Muitos anos depois de sua morte, ele é canonizado pela Igreja e consagrado como São Sebastião.