Sophie Pearson


Casting Director
A misunderstood woman must understand what it means to live with Type 1 Diabetes.
Casting Director
Hilma af Klint (1862-1944) is an important part of art history and one of the first ever painters of abstract art. However, unlike the work of many of her peers at the time hers was misunderstood and neglected until long after her death. This is a story about Hilma and the circumstances which made her paintings possible. The film picks up during her early life and ends today; when her art connects with people of all religions and cultures. Just as she intended.
Nosso Amor
Casting Associate
Em um íntimo retrato do casamento, um casal que divide a vida há muitos anos precisa lidar com uma grave doença. Enquanto vivem o medo da perda, eles usam o humor e a parceria para manter a esperança.
Missão de Honra
Casting Assistant
Os pilotos poloneses superam o preconceito para lutar ao lado da Royal Air Force contra a Luftwaffe durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, na esperança de proteger a Grã Bretanha e a própria Polônia dos avanços alemães.
A Última Jornada
Casting Assistant
Nas trincheiras da Primeira Guerra Mundial o tenente Raleigh (Asa Butterfield) fez alguns contatos para que conseguisse se juntar na linha de frente ao seu amigo de infância, capitão Stanhope (Sam Claflin). Contudo, Stanhope fica horrorizado com a chega de Raleigh no tenso e claustrofóbico esconderijo, onde estão antecipando um massivo avanço alemão. Com três anos de guerra, o desejo de Stanhope quando tudo acabar é voltar para os braços da amada, Margaret (Rose Reade), irmã de Raleigh.
Starfish - Uma História de Amor Incondicional
Casting Assistant
Based on the real story of Tom and Nicola Ray from Rutland. Their perfect life is totally ruined in a single moment after Tom had developed sepsis. While her husband was in coma, Nicola gave birth to their second child on the other side of the same hospital. Within a matter of days, sepsis would rob Tom of both his arms and legs, and left his face severely disfigured. As an ordinary man, Tom never put himself at risk — he just woke up two months later in a nightmare, a face-off quadruple amputee... This incredible story of survival shows what can be overcome when love is unconditional.