Diana Ricardo


Morons from Outer Space
Redneck Wife
The story begins on a small spaceship docking with a refueling station. On board are a group of four aliens, Bernard, Sandra, Desmond, and Julian. During a particularly tedious period of their stay at the station, the other three begin playing with the ship’s controls while Bernard is outside playing spaceball. They accidentally disconnect his part of the ship, leaving him stranded while they crash into a large blue planet close by...
Scream for Help
Mrs. Ralston
A teenaged girl discovers that her stepfather is trying to murder her and her mother, but when she tells people, no one will believe her.
Mrs. Murray
Supergirl (Helen Slater) parte rumo à Terra para tentar recuperar o Omegahedron, a fonte de energia necessária para salvar seu planeta Krypton. O objeto cai em mãos inimigas, em posse de bruxa Selena (Faye Dunaway), que deseja conquistar o mundo. Para complicar as coisas, Selena usa um feitiço para fazer um jardineiro se apaixonar por ela, porém a magia não dá certo e o rapaz se apaixona pela Supergirl, disfarçada pela identidade secreta de Linda Lee. A missão da Supergirl fica mais difícil…