




Tezuka's Barbara
Kazunari Shitou
Barbara is an adult-orientated fantasy tale filled with love and the occult from Osamu Tezuka's reimagining of "The Tales of Hoffmann". Its story deals with the erotic and bizarre experiences of a famous novelist called Yosuke Mikura whose life is tossed upside down by a mysterious girl named "Barbara".
The Brand New Legend of the Stardust Brothers
A sequel to the 1980 movie The Legend of the Stardust Brothers. As well as being a rock musical comedy, it also borrows elements from other genres such as road movies, westerns, and meta fiction.
Dandy to Watashi
Heisuke Kataoka
Idol Kataoka decides to take a break from his career in order to take care of Momoko, the manager of his rival, who happens to not be the greatest at household work.
The Legend of the Stardust Brothers
Kaworu Niji
Um magnata da música reúne dois aspirantes a estrelas (o rebelde do punk rock Kan e o cantor romântico de new wave Shingo) e os transforma nos Stardust Brothers, uma sensação do synth-pop. Juntamente com sua fã número 1, que também sonha com uma carreira musical própria, a dupla alcança o estrelato.