Sami Bouajila

Sami Bouajila

Nascimento : 1966-05-12, La Tronche, Isère, France


Sami Bouajila (born in Grenoble, France on 12 May 1966) is a French award-winning actor of Tunisian origin. Bouajila's grandfather was a Berber born in Tripoli, Libya and immigrated to Tunisia. Bouajila's father decided to immigrate to France in 1956. Sami was born and grew up in Échirolles, a suburb south of Grenoble. He studied theater.


Sami Bouajila
Sami Bouajila


The Crow
Soulmates Eric Draven and Shelly Webster are brutally murdered when the demons of her dark past catch up with them. Given the chance to save his true love by sacrificing himself, Eric sets out to seek merciless revenge on their killers, traversing the worlds of the living and the dead to put the wrong things right.
Our Ties
Moussa has always been gentle, altruistic and present for his family. This is the opposite of his brother Ryad, a TV presenter of great notoriety who is reproached for his selfishness by his entourage. Only Moussa defends him, who has great admiration for his brother. One day Moussa falls and hits his head violently. He suffers a head injury. Unrecognizable, he now speaks without a filter and tells his relatives the truth. He ends up falling out with everyone except Ryad.
Red Soil
Slimane Hamadi
Freshly hired as a labor nurse in a chemical factory, Nour discovers that small arrangements exist between management and her father, Slimane, the staff representative, and the company's pivot. Lies about polluting discharges, hidden illnesses of employees, hidden accidents ... Nour, little by little, no longer accepts the compromises of his father to preserve the image of the company. She decides to launch the alert.
A Terra e o Sangue
O dono de uma serraria e sua filha adolescente se envolvem em uma disputa perigosa quando um traficante esconde cocaína roubada em sua propriedade.
A Son
Fares Ben Youssef
Tunisia, summer 2011. The holiday to the South of the country ends in disaster for Fares, Meriem and their 10-year-old son Aziz, when he is accidentally shot in an ambush. His injury will change their lives: Aziz needs a liver transplant, which leads to discovery of a long-buried secret. Will Aziz and the relationship survive?
Paradise Beach
Mehdi sai da prisão planejando acertar algumas contas, mas antes disso precisa encontrar sua quadrilha em um resort paradisíaco na Tailândia.
Através do Fogo
Dr. Almeida, doctor in the burns unit
O filme conta a história de Franck Pasquier (Pierre Niney), um bombeiro parisiense que parece ter a vida perfeita: um casamento feliz, gêmeos a caminho e uma competência invejável no trabalho. Ao concluir seu treinamento, o jovem é promovido a chefe da divisão de incêndios do Corpo de Bombeiros. Um dia, Franck e sua equipe são chamados para dar suporte a um incêndio de larga escala, mas ele acaba preso no meio das chamas durante uma tentativa de salvar seus companheiros. A partir de então, ele passa a lidar com as consequências do acidente e a redescobrir a vontade de viver.
Hakim Zeroual
A trama segue Lukas (Van Damme), um segurança de boate em seus 50 anos e que luta para criar sua filha de 8 anos. Um dia, depois de uma briga ele acaba na prisão, e sua filha é colocada sob os cuidados dos serviços sociais. Mas as coisas mudam quando a Interpol recruta Lukas para derrubar um líder holandês que opera da Bélgica em troca da custódia de sua filha.
The Blessed
Algiers, a few years after the civil war. Amal and Samir have decided to celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary in a restaurant. While on their way, their share their views on Algeria: Amal talks about lost illusions and Samir about the necessity to cope with them. At the same time, their son Fahim and his friends Feriel and Reda are wandering about in a hostile Algiers about to steal their youth.
Mecânica das Sombras
Um empresário enigmático em nome de uma misteriosa organização entra em contato com Duval para oferecer-lhe um trabalho simples e bem remunerado: transcrever escutas interceptadas. Duval, desempregado e em difícil situação econômica, aceita sem perguntar sobre o propósito da empresa que o contrata. De repente, envolvido em um enredo político, deve enfrentar os mecanismos do mundo oculto dos serviços secretos
Carga Bruta
Yanis, Eric, Nasser e Frank compõem a equipe de ladrões mais eficientes de toda Paris. Entre cada tiro, cada um deles têm que gerir também sua vida familiar, em meio a paranóia, o isolamento e a adrenalina do crime. Por ganância, Amine, o irmão mais novo de Yanis, cometeu um grande erro, e agora todos terão que mexer com algo que não têm experiência: muita droga. Mas a situação entre ladrões e traficantes rapidamente se agrava.
Good Luck Sam
Samir has given much of his time and money developing ski equipments for a Swedish Olympic athlete. When the contract fails, his business partner and closest friend plans to save their company by sending Samir to represent Algeria at the Winter Olympics! Already broke, and expecting his second child, Samir trains to become the first Algerian cross-country skiing male athlete to participate in the winter games. Samir, the eldest son of an Algerian emigrant must first go back to his father's homeland in order to achieve this goal.
Don't Leave Me!
A French women lives her worst nightmare when she discovers that her daughter has been radicalised, and plans to leave for her "husband" in Syria.
A Stormy Summer Night
Pierre and Maria, a Parisian couple, travel to Spain with their daughter and her friend. When a violent storm hits they must settle for the night in a tiny hotel in a small Andalusian city. This small city has been the scene of a crime of passion. The police search the murderer, an immigrant worker. The whole city is aroused by this murderous act which roused resentment and a dangerous desire for vengeance...
Patchwork Family
Christian Fellous
Christian is a divorced father who can only see his young daughter Vanessa every other weekend. When he meets the single mother Christine and decides to participate in a summer TV show, his whole life is turned upside down.
Divin enfant
My Son's Murderer Will Die Tonight
Antoine Harfouche
Carré Blanc
Philippe lives in a world controlled by a caste system. Those who play the "game" correctly become higher and more powerful. Phillipe plays the game well but his wife wants him to return to reality. Its a love story after marriage.
Omar Killed Me
No verão de 1991, Ghislaine Marchal é encontrada morta no sótão de sua casa em Mougins, com a mensagem “Omar me matou”, escrita com seu próprio sangue. Apesar da falta de evidências, seu jardineiro marroquino, Omar Raddad é sentenciado a 18 anos de prisão. Em choque com o caso e convencido da inocência de Omar, o jornalista Pierre-Emmanuel Vaugrenard se muda para Nice com o intuito de investigar sobre o caso e descobrir a verdade.
Uma Doce Mentira
Ao receber uma carta de amor anônima, uma cabeleireira decide reenvia-la à sua mãe na tentativa de aumentar sua autoestima, sem desconfiar que a carta foi escrita por um funcionário do salão de beleza.
Fora da Lei
Expulsos da sua terra argelina, três irmãos e a mãe separam-se. Messaoud alista-se na Indochina. Em Paris, Abdelkader toma a cabeça do movimento em prol da independência da Argélia e Said faz fortuna nas espeluncas e clubes de boxe de Pigalle. O destino dos três, selado pelo amor de uma mãe, enreda-se inexoravelmente ao de uma nação em luta pela sua liberdade.
The Whistler
Karim Chaouche
Cannes, the French Riviera. Armand Teillard is happy with life; a busy store downtown, a delightful girlfriend, a magnificent record collection and lunch every day at Sofia and Martial's family restaurant with a perfect sea view. So when Sofia tells Armand that Zapetti, a property developer with mafia connections, is putting the squeeze on her to sell up, he is horrified. Armand is an easy-going guy, but when he gets mad... actually, Armand never gets mad. He leaves that to his twin brother, Maurice, The Whistler. When Maurice rides into town in his Aston Martin and designer suit, Zapetti, his mob and the corrupt local politicians are in trouble. But what if, behind the dyed hair and tinted contact lenses, Maurice and Armand are one and the same guy? Is Cannes big enough for the both of them?
Bitter Victory
Yacine Guesmila
Xavier Alvarez est un petit architecte d'Aix-en-Provence en recherche perpétuelle de reconnaissance sociale. Il s'est fait tout seul et prospère, mais ne parvient pas à décrocher de gros marchés publics pour assouvir ses rêves de grandeur. Il décide donc de se lancer corps, âme et biens dans la campagne de Vincent Cluzel, le candidat outsider à la mairie, persuadé qu'il renverra l'ascenseur en cas de victoire. À force d'énergie et de ruse, il parvient à discréditer le favori et à faire élire son protégé. Mais leur amitié sincère, nouée dans la conquête du pouvoir, se heurte alors aux limites des intérêts et de l'ambition.
Pacto de Sangue
L'inspecteur Saunier
O clã Malakian, uma família de gângsters armênios, controla o submundo do sul da França. No comando, o brilhante e violento chefão Milo Malakian, impera seu mundo com punhos de ferro. Seu filho e herdeiro, Anton, sonha com a liberdade para viver seu amor com Elodie (que não pertence ao clã), e fazer suas próprias escolhas.
London River - Destinos Cruzados
Inglaterra, 2005. Elisabeth Sommers (Brenda Blethyn) assiste pela TV os atentados terroristas ocorridos em Londres, onde bombas explodiram um vagão de trem e um ônibus. Imediatamente ela tenta falar com a filha, Jane, sem sucesso. Preocupada, Elisabeth vai a Londres mas encontra seu apartamento vazio. Ela vai à polícia e passa a pendurar panfletos de procura-se pela cidade. Um deles é pego por Ousmane (Sotigui Kouyaté), um senhor que chegou recentemente à cidade e está em busca do filho, que não vê há 15 anos. Ousmane tem uma foto onde seu filho está ao lado de Jane. Apesar da desconfiança inicial, aos poucos ele e Elizabeth se aproximam na difícil tarefa de percorrer os hospitais da cidade em busca de alguma pista do paradeiro de ambos.
24 Bars
It is Christmas Eve. Separated from her young son, Helly struggles for money. A solitary man, Didier pays her to play his fiancée for the night. But the act comes to a tragic end. Left stunned, Helly meets Marie, who takes her in, on her way to the coast. There they encounter Chris. All three will end the night together. It’s their last move in joy and perdition.
Amor a Prova de Balas
À partir dos pequenos furtos na cidade de Belleville aos roubos de desconhecidos e renomados bancos de Paris, Simon e sua gangue têm crescido extraordinariamente. Eles são capazes de esvaziar uma série de bem vigiados cofres sob o nariz da polícia, que está perplexa com a calma e a audácia demonstrada pelo grupo. Mas, por quanto tempo o grupo conseguirá evitar uma carnificina, curtir o tédio de viver no litoral e ter uma vida amorosa ao mesmo tempo em que brinca de se esconder com a polícia? Esta é uma tarefa especialmente difícil, uma vez que têm de lutar com Milan, um policial determinado em derrotá-los desde suas primeiras atividades criminosas... Obcecado pela gangue de Simon, Milan tem por único objetivo na sua vida, capturar o seu líder.
As Testemunhas
Manu arrives in Paris, in the early days of AIDS, at the beginning of the 1980s. He strikes up a friendship with Adrien, a wealthy doctor in his early fifties, who introduces him to Sarah and Mehdi, a young couple.
O Concílio de Pedra
Laura adota um bebê tailandês e depois de alguns anos começa a sentir alguma coisa diferente na criança. Após um acidente que o deixa em coma, Laura decide investigar a origem do menino e encontra muitas histórias estranhas e sobrenaturais.
Dias de Glória
Em 1943, 130 mil soldados originários das colônias francesas na África foram para a Europa lutar na 2ª Guerra Mundial e ajudar a libertar uma pátria-mãe na qual nunca antes haviam estado. Entre eles estavam Saïd, Messaoud, Abdelkader e Yassir, que precisam lidar com o preconceito existente ao mesmo tempo em que lutam pela vitória da França.
Zaina, A Guerreira do Atlas
Zaina (Aziza Nadir) é uma menina de 11 anos que acaba de perder a mãe, Selma. Perturbada, ela culpa seu próprio padrasto, Omar (Simon Abkarian), pelos incidentes que acabaram causando a morte de Selma. O destino coloca frente a frente a jovem Zaina e Mustapha (Sami Bouajila), seu verdadeiro pai, que sequer sabia da existência da filha. Juntos, ambos empreenderão uma dura viagem de 20 dias até Marrakech, onde Mustapha vai participar da mais prestigiada corrida de cavalos do norte da África. Durante a jornada, entre desertos e montanhas, pai e filha começam a se conhecer e criar seus primeiros laços de amor e ternura.
Avant l'oubli
Ali Redjala
Jeanne fled the Franco regime at the end of the 1930s. Married and mother of a little girl, she worked in a soap factory leading a peaceful life until the day she was asked to pass out leaflets in her factory. to Algerian workers.
Playing 'In the Company of Men'
Power and corruption—and the men who rule with them—are ruthlessly scrutinized in this multilayered French work set in a shadow realm of arms dealers and blood ties. Part Shakespearean family tragedy, part political noir, it recalls such American paranoid thrillers of the 1970s as All the President’s Men and Marathon Man, revealing protagonists who work in the shadows, the unseen kings of the contemporary jungle.
No Big Deal
Three sons are sent on a journey to trace their father's checkered past.
The Legend of Princess Parva
Agni (voice)
The island of Kiam was once a paradise place with a kind Maharaja as a ruler. But one day the villainous Malaw killed the island’s ruler and deprived the Crown Prince Shiva of the throne. The insidious Malaw had the prince locked up in a dungeon in the palace’s underground labyrinth, and he announced to the Kiam residents that he would kill Shiva if they only tried to rebel. Then the Old Sage Swami, aided by programmer Agni, came into contact with the Light of Crystal. That’s what he called a girl named Parva, who embodied radiant innocence and was born of the same astral combination as Prince Shiva. Only she and her love could save the prince and bring peace back to the island of Kiam.
A vida me mata
Paul Smaïl
Baseado no romance de Jack-Alain Léger, este drama se foca em Paul e Daniel, dois irmãos árabes nascidos na França, cujo pai é um "modelo de imigrante" sempre pacífico e legalizado. Paul Smail tem 27 anos, é louco por literatura, por Myrian, sua namorada, e tem um diploma universitário. Sem conseguir encontrar um emprego digno dele, distribui pizzas e usa as palavras de seu romance inacabado "Life Kills Me", para salvá-lo de sua raiva e frustração. Seu adorado irmão Daniel luta com sua identidade de muçulmano secretamente gay e quer ser um famoso fisiculturista, mas só consegue se tornar a "estrela" de um clube de sexo em Hamburgo.
The Nest
Laborie is a high-flying officer in the French special forces. Her mission is to escort Abedin Nexhep, a godfather of the Albanian mafia. Charged with heading a wide-reaching prostitution network, this formidable criminal is due to stand trial before a European court. During the transfer, killers hired by Nexhep set up an ambush to free their boss but Laborie and her men manage to escape...
Summer Things
Two couple of friends, one very rich, the other almost homeless, decide to go on Holiday. Julie, a single mother, joins them too. Once at seaside, it starts a complicate love cross among them that will involve also a transsexual, a jealous brother, a Latin Lover and another nervous stressed couple. Not to mention about the daughter of one of them that is secretly in Chicago with one of her father's employees... At the end of the summer, all of them will join the same party...
Change My Life
Nina is an unemployed actress who has just taken a lethal overdose of tranquilizers. Stumbling though the streets of Paris in a deathly haze, Nina collapses into unconsciousness. Fortunately for Nina, lonely Algerian Sami happened to jog by at just the right time. But as soon as Sami previously appeared, he vanishes back into the blackness of night, leaving the recovered Nina with no one to thank for saving her life. Determined to let her guardian angel know just how thankful she truly is, Nina discovers that Sami was once a promising long-distance runner whose dreams of Olympic stardom had been dashed, and who now scrapes by as a transvestite prostitute. Realizing that they've both hit rock bottom, Nina and Sami make a pledge to support one another to the point where they can both get clean and pursue their dreams before it's too late.
A Repetição
Nathalie e Louise são amigas que se reencontram após um vácuo de 10 anos. Nathalie é uma atriz, e Louise uma protética que toma os desejos e os anseios da amiga como centro de sua vida. A dentista passa a morar com a amiga e se empenha em tirar todas as pessoas que atrapalham o caminho de Nathalie em direção ao sucesso como atriz. Enquanto Louise toma cada vez mais espaço na vida da atriz, a relação entre as duas evolui para uma torrente de paixão inevitável.
Poetical Refugee
Like a Candide dreaming of Eldorado, Jallel lands in France, hoping to try his luck. From encounter to encounter, hostel to social welfare group, Jallel will make his way through a Paris of outcasts. Although failing to achieve his hopes, he discovers and shares in the solidarity felt by the destitute. –uniFrance
Pretend I'm Not Here
Student Eric kills time by spying on his neighbors. Compulsively taking notes on everything within binocular range from his bedroom window, he harasses his neighbors by sending unsigned notes and making their private affairs public. When they discover his identity and draw him in, will this release him from his solitude, or confirm in his mind that he will always be the outsider?
Félix de Bem com a Vida
O filme conta a história de Félix, interpretado por Sami Bouajila, um homem de bem com a vida que tem um relacionamento estável e parece não se abalar com nada. Ao saber que contraiu o HIV, decide fazer algo diferente: sai em busca do pai, que ele não conhece. E é nessa caminhada, do norte ao sul da França, que ele vai encontrando novos personagens do cotidiano, formando uma verdadeira família em sua vida. Felix não se preocupa em acelerar a viagem, ao contrário, fica admirando as belezas e peculiaridades de cada cidadezinha que vai encontrando no caminho. Prefere as rotas secundárias e uma viagem longa.
Twenty years ago, Robert left his home in the provincial northern town of Boulogne to make it as an actor. His career never amounted to much, as he managed only a couple of acting jobs on TV. Without warning, he returns to his hometown and drops in on his sister who is in the throes of a sordid affair with her married boss. Later, Robert drops in on his younger brother, who is mentally retarded and lives with his elderly mother. As the film progresses, it quietly, sensitively depicts Robert's disruption of the lives of the members of his family.
Our Happy Lives
Six people whose lives are intertwined struggle to find happiness amid broken relationships and painful life changes.
Nova York Sitiada
Samir Nazhde
Após o sequestro de um líder religioso islâmico, a cidade Nova York vira o lavo de ataques terroristas. O agente do FBI Anthony Hubbard, a oficial da CIA Elise Kraft e o general William Devereaux unem forças para capturar um perigoso grupo de terroristas que plantam bombas em diversos lugares de Nova York, levando a cidade ao caos.
Nés quelques part
Driss Bourafia
Assistente di Tassi
O filme conta a história de sua juventude, enquanto ela era guiada e protegida por seu pai, o pintor Orazio Gentileschi. Sua curiosidade profissional sobre a anatomia masculina, proibida para seus olhos, levam-na ao conhecimento do prazer sexual. Mas ela também foi bem conhecida porque, em 1612, ela teve que se apresentar à corte, devido à suspeita de estupro cometida por Agostino Tassi, seu professor.
Le Déménagement
Qui n'a pas connu le stress d'un déménagement ? Surtout quand on est un jeune écrivain comme Alain, sur le point de quitter une bonne maison d'édition pour écrire un sitcom pour la télévision, que sa femme est sur le point d'accoucher et de surcroît quand les déménageurs sont des Roumains qui travaillent au noir et qu'ils n'ont pas vraiment le sens de la ponctualité...
Anna Oz
This taut psychological chiller tells the twisted story of Anna, a woman living in Paris, whose dreams of her Venetian counterpart, a secretive young woman who lives in a fine palace with her brother and an enigmatic older man, become frighteningly real. Anna's world begins coming apart after she is picked up by the police for witnessing an awful crime she cannot remember seeing. When she realizes that her dream alter-ego is trying to kill her, only her lover Marc's calming and supportive influence can save her from madness.
In Paris, Ismaél, a young Tunisian, cares for two brothers, Nouredine, a cripple, and streetwise Mouloud, 14. In haste, Ismaél and Mouloud go to Marseilles where an uncle lives. Nouredine has died in a fire, and Ismaél feels guilt on top of grief. Ismaél becomes friends with Jacky, a white man whose father and brother hate immigrants. Mouloud hangs out with cousin Rhida who breaks Islamic rules and deals hash. Ismaél decides Mouloud must return to Tunisia, but the boy runs off, becoming an acolyte to Rhida's supplier. Ismaél and Jacky's Arab girlfriend start an affair, friends betray friends, and the racism gets ugly. Can Ismaél rescue himself and Mouloud or will life in France crush them?
The Silences of the Palace
The death of a prince brings a young woman back to the palace where she was born into servitude. The lingering legacy is brought into light from behind frosted windows and velvet curtains.
Love Affairs Usually End Badly
Slim Touati
Zina, young theater opener, hesitates between the love of Slim, taxi driver who hopes to become a lawyer and that of Frederic, who holds the poster at the theater. Why not keep her two loves?
La thune
Kamel, a young Arab raised in Paris, wants to become rich. He meets Edwige, a bourgeois girl, whose father disapproves of him as Edwige's boyfriend.
Desert Warrior
It’s 7th century, when Arabia is made up of rival, feuding tribes, disunited and forever at each other’s throats. Emperor Kisra (Kingsley) has a fearsome reputation for being utterly ruthless. But when the Arabian Princess Hind (Hart) refuses to become the emperor’s concubine, the stage is set for an epic confrontation. It is a battle that, by its conclusion, will have changed the region forever and echo throughout history. Escaping with her father, King Numan (Massoud) into the vast and unforgiving desert, Hind is pursued by Kisra’s seasoned mercenary Jalabzeen and his bloodthirsty troops. Hind and her father are forced to entrust their safety to a mysterious bandit (Mackie), whose fighting prowess is second to none. The bandit harbors his own secrets, which will play a large part in deciding the fate of the battle. Hind inspires the fractious tribes to come together for one last stand and unite against an army that outnumbers them and is far better equipped.