Alicia Bucci


Set in the popular Austin scene with a backdrop of the sites and live sounds of the city, Funemployment explores the burn out culture many post grads experience as they navigate the startup world. Torn between making money and following their dreams, many hopeful entrepreneurs try to start their own businesses without realizing the costs it will inflict on them. Through the new medium of applications, this stark comedy delves into the consequences of getting into bed with your friends... physically and entrepreneurially.
Restaurant Patron
Gabe ,terminou seu relacionamento com um homem casado e encontra consolo na companhia da ex-mulher e da filha. Em outro ponto da cidade, Ernesto passa mais tempo no hospital do que em casa, acompanhando um antigo amor gravemente doente. O filme captura de forma sutil e otimista,o isolamento emocional,que os dois homens se acostumaram.