Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Marianne Winckler relocates to the port city of Caen in order to pass herself off as a member of a large community of itinerant workers desperate to make ends meet. She gains employment as a cleaner on a ferry travelling between Ouistreham and Portsmouth, recording the drudgery of the work she and her colleagues are required to do.
Director of Photography
Down-on-his-luck, unemployed Alexandre has two months to prove to his wife he can take care of his two young kids and be financially independent. Now, the thing is, although The Box, a user-friendly startup, wants to hire him on pro- bation, the company’s slogan is “No kids!” and Séverine, his future boss, is a short-tempered “killer”. So if Alexandre wants to land the job, he’s bound to lie... Will his meeting with Arcimboldo, an “entrepreneur of himself” and the king of online odd jobs, help the brave, disoriented Alexandre overcome all those challenges?
Director Hüseyin Tabak explores the legacy of Yilmaz Güney — political dissident, convicted murderer, and visionary Kurdish filmmaker — who directed the 1982 Palme d'Or–winning Yol from inside prison and died in exile just two years later.
Becassine é jovem e vive em uma fazenda no interior do Reino Unido. Mesmo assumindo certas responsabilidades de adulta, ela ainda preserva sua ingenuidade infantil. Seu maior sonho é viver em Paris, mas justo quando a situação parecia muito provável, ela começa a trabalhar como enfermeira de Loulette, um pequeno bebê adotado. Paralelamente a isso, o caos começa a tomar conta de sua vida financeira e Becassine precisa provar mais uma vez que é mais esperta do que todos ao seu redor imaginam.
In 1981, iconic Turkish film director escapes jail to France, his last work re-creating with other exiles the prison lives they left behind.
Director of Photography
Nos seus trinta anos, cinco mulheres francesas procuram objetivos para suas vidas. Elas não querem falar sobre o amor, mas sim sobre o que elas realmente querem para suas vidas.
Director of Photography
Ascensão e queda de um monge capuchinho na Madri do século XVII. Abandonado ainda bebê nas escadarias de um monastério e criado segundo a rígida ordem dos capuchinhos, Ambrósio se tornou o pregador mais famoso do país. Enquanto grandes multidões vêm de todo os cantos para ouvir seus sermões impressionantes, o sucesso dele é amargamente invejado por outros monges do monastério.
Convencido de sua virtude e retidão, o irmão Ambrósio acredita ser imune à tentação... Até que eventos misteriosos começam a aterrorizar o monastério. Poderiam eles estar ligados à inesperada chegada de Valério, um monge aprendiz que tem o dom milagroso de curar as intensas dores de cabeça de Ambrósio e que esconde sua face desfigurada atrás de uma máscara de cera?
Director of Photography
Paloma é uma menina séria e inteligente de 11 anos, decidida a se matar em seu décimo-segundo aniversário. Fascinada por arte e filosofia, a menina passa o dia filmando seu cotidiano, a fim de fazer um documentário. À medida que a data de seu aniversário se aproxima, ela conhece pessoas que a fazem questionar sua visão pessimista do mundo.
Director of Photography
Desperate to break free from the poverty of his homeland, Elias boards a ramshackle people-smuggling trawler to France. But when the boat is raided by police, Elias leaps into the ocean, eventually finding himself washed up on a Mediterranean beach resort called Eden. So begins Elias odyssesy across Western Europe to Paris, where wondrous promise, helpful new friends and perilous dangers await him every step of the way.
Director of Photography
The story of a young city boy wanting to become the mahout, the elephant driver. Despite his master's belief that only karen tribe people are born to be mahouts, the lad finally wins his heart and becomes a real mahout.
Director of Photography
A brilliant and neurotic attorney goes to Monaco to defend a famous criminal. But, instead of focusing on the case, he falls for a beautiful she-devil, who turns him into a complete wreck... Hopefully, his zealous bodyguard will step in and put everything back in order... Or will he ?
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Um 'Coronel Reformado' é encontrado morto em Paris, algumas décadas depois de a Argélia ter vencido a luta pela independência da França. O tenente Galois é encarregado da investigação deste assassinato. Ela recebe o diário do tenente Guy Rossi, que serviu sob o comando do Coronel na Argélia em 1956, e foi relatado como desaparecido em ação desde 1957. As revelações encontradas no diário de Rossi vão muito além das ações do Coronel na Argélia e dão uma ideia de como A guerra da Argélia para a Independência estava realmente suja. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Director of Photography
Em 1943, 130 mil soldados originários das colônias francesas na África foram para a Europa lutar na 2ª Guerra Mundial e ajudar a libertar uma pátria-mãe na qual nunca antes haviam estado. Entre eles estavam Saïd, Messaoud, Abdelkader e Yassir, que precisam lidar com o preconceito existente ao mesmo tempo em que lutam pela vitória da França.
Director of Photography
In 1943, Joseph, a Jewish man, was arrested by the Germans in front of his 13-year-old daughter, Suzanne, in the apartment where they were hiding. By abandoning his daughter, Joseph saved her life.
In 1943, Joseph, a Jewish man, was arrested by the Germans in front of his 13-year-old daughter, Suzanne, in the apartment where they were hiding. By abandoning his daughter, Joseph saved her life.
Director of Photography
Marc decide raspar o bigode que conservou por tantos anos. Supondo que faria surpresa à mulher, aos amigos, aos colegas de trabalho, recebe surpresa em dobro pois ninguém notou diferença. Revoltado com a situação, fica sabendo que há muitos anos não usa bigode. A partir daí, o filme adentra a paranoia do personagem que busca evidências sólidas de sua vida, e põe um mísero bigode no centro de seu universo, como se ele fosse determinante ou não para a presença de Marc no mundo.
Director of Photography
Bruno Davert (José Garcia) é um executivo francês, que perde seu emprego. Dois anos depois ele continua desempregado, o que o leva ao desespero. Decidido a recuperar o antigo cargo, ele decide matar seu atual ocupante e todos os candidatos da empresa em que trabalhava com potencial para ocupá-lo.
Director of Photography
Camille arrives in Ouessant, the island of her birth off the Brittany coast, to sell the family home. She spends a last night in the house during which she discovers a secret. In 1963 a man came to work with her father, who was the Jument lighthouse operator. He only stayed two months, but his presence proved to be a disturbing catalyst.
Director of Photography
Num fim-de-semana de Verão, Antoine e Hélène decidem ir buscar os filhos à colónia no sul de França onde estão a passar férias. Como Hélène está atrasada, Antoine bebe enquanto espera. No carro, exasperado com o calor e o trânsito, Antoine decide sair da auto-estrada e parar num bar. Sob o efeito do álcool começa a conduzir de forma cada vez mais perigosa. Acaba por discutir com Hélène, que decide abandoná-lo e seguir a pé, sozinha na noite. Entretanto, a polícia anda à procura de um criminoso em fuga e Antoine, enquanto procura a mulher, cruza-se na estrada com um estranho indivíduo...
Director of Photography
At Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, a beautician on her way to a new job in Mexico accidentally meets a cook who is on his way back from America. Labor strikes, bad weather, and pure luck cause the two of them to share a room overnight at the airport Hilton hotel. Will their initial mutual indifference and downright hostility turn into a one night stand or perhaps something more?
Director of Photography
Kurt Gerstein (Ulrich Tukur) é um oficial do Terceiro Reich que trabalhou na elaboração do Zyklon B, gás mortífero originalmente desenvolvido para a matança de animais mas usado para exterminar milhares de judeus durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial. Gerstein se revolta com o que testemunha e tenta informar os aliados sobre as atrocidades nos campos de concentração. Católico, busca chamar a atenção do Vaticano, mas suas denúncias são ignoradas pelo alto clero. Apenas um jovem jesuíta lhe dá ouvidos e o ajuda a organizar uma campanha para que o Papa (Marcel Iures) quebre o silêncio e se manifeste contra as violências ocorridas em nome de uma suposta supremacia racial.
Director of Photography
Clélia is a very attractive photographer starting a new job for a sensationalist newspaper. She soon becomes involved with three very different men: Cléve, a middle aged books editor, Nemo, a mysterious photographer and Rupert McRoi, the owner of the broadcasting and tabloid company where she works.
Director of Photography
In this French comedy-drama, actor Angelo Bastiani installs satellite dishes when not auditioning for films. After being told he's not convincing enough for a role in a gangster flick, Ange dons a mask and stages a parking-lot holdup, terrifying the film's director and casting director to prove his point.
Director of Photography
Sam Baily, frustrado após perder seu emprego no museu de história natural, volta ao local com uma arma para tirar satisfações e acaba fazendo reféns, fechando o museu. O jornalista Max Brackett, em decadência na carreira, estava dentro do museu no momento do ocorrido, e vê na cobertura do acontecimento uma grande chance para reavivar seu emprego.
Director of Photography
An old aristocrat, short of money, who does not accept the new world ruled by the bourgeois class ,epitomized by the industrialist and by the doctor who finally grabs the the aristocrat's castle which soon will be turned into a hospital.
Director of Photography
No ano de 1938, o detetive britânico Alan Cross (Adrian Dunbar) viaja para o litoral francês para desvendar a morte do amigo Joe Green (Donal McCann). Com Solange (Sophie Aubry), intérprete e filha do chefe da polícia local, ele conhece uma família da arisocracia que acredita estar envolvida no caso. Logo, ele descobre que a família está cheia de segredos obscuros que desejam esconder.
Director of Photography
It is 1654, in the South of France. When horsemen follow a runaway slave into the convent where he's taken sanctuary and kill both the fugitive and the Mother Superior, they little realise that one of the novices is the spirited daughter of retired musketeer D'Artagnan.
Director of Photography
Zena (Dominique Blanc) lost her parents as a very young girl, and though she was born in Albania, only knows about life in Paris. She was raised by her uncle Selman (Sulejman Pitarka), whom she is about to leave behind in order to start a new life in New York. Just before she leave, however, she hears of an Albanian who is being detained by French authorities for want of the proper paperwork. Ordinarily, that would not capture her attention. However, Vladimir (Timo Flloko), who is the man in question, claims to have information that Zena's father is not dead, and could be located. Zena postpones her trip to speak with Vladimir and, once he is free to travel, they begin to try and explore his information. There is only one problem in their traveling around France together: he doesn't speak a word of French, and she doesn't speak a word of Albanian. Somehow, they manage to communicate, and they eventually become lovers.
Director of Photography
Toussaint and Madeleine have loved each other from the cradle. They are now sixty. They have reached retirement age and have decided to return to Corsica. Toussaint has spent thirty years underground in the maintenance workshops of the Paris metro system. he is happy, but Madeleine misses Paris with its excitement and, above all, their son, who is a doctor in one of the French capital's major hospitals. Madeleine has such love for her son that Toussaint teases her by saying she should ask the Pope for dispensation in order to marry him. Toussaint and Madeleine return to Balba at the beginning of the winter when the days are short, the village bar is closed and the men too scarce for even a game of cards. The silence is occasionally broken by the village idiot, Napolean, as he ambles about shouting the coming death of Corsica while on patrol of the locked-up houses he's been set to guard...
Director of Photography
Veronique, living with her divorced mother, is going on holiday to Mauritius with her father. To impress a local boy, Benjamin, she manages to complicate the situation by making up stories about her father. She presents him as her lover, a mercenary and even a secret agent which gets her into trouble and then her father has to start playing along...
Director of Photography
Patrick Perrault, a photo-journalist covering the war in Beirut in the late 1980s, is himself caught up in the hostilities when one day he is picked up and bundled into a car at gun-point. Blind-folded, he is taken to an unknown location where he discovers that he is being taken hostage by Lebanese guerrillas.
Director of Photography
Jacquot Demy is a little boy at the end of the thirties. His father owns a garage and his mother is a hairdresser. The whole family lives happily and likes to sing and to go to the movies. Jacquot is fascinated by every kind of show (theatre, cinema, puppets). He buys a camera to shoot his first amateur film... An evocation of French cineast Jacques Demy's childhood and vocation for the cinema and the musicals.
Director of Photography
Suzy, a beautiful woman, is coming back to Paris to attend the funeral of her lover, a married man. Cecile, his wife, is holding Suzy responsible for his suicide. By finding Suzy in Paris, Cecile is trying to seek the truth by playing a psychological game on her.
Director of Photography
A lawyer defends her father accused of war crimes, but there is more to the case than she suspects.
Director of Photography
Lucas has invented a new computer language but at the same time he has been informed about his strange terminal illness during which he has been gradually losing his memory. Shortly after that he meets Blanche who acts as a medium in a bizarre traveling show. Dying Lucas follows her to the sea resort where they spend together several days and nights.
Director of Photography
Um radialista judeu é violentamente assassinado, e para investigar o caso o FBI designa a agente Cathy Weaver, que se envolve emocionalmente com o principal suspeito, Gary Simmons. Rapidamente ela descobre algo mais aterrorizante: Gary faz parte de uma organização neonazista que planeja eliminar negros e judeus em nome da supremacia da raça pura americana.
Director of Photography
This somber drama chronicles the writings of Paltiel Kossover (Michel Jonasz), a Rumanian Jew who was incarcerated in a Stalinist prison. Zupanev (Erland Josephson) is a sympathetic court registrar who smuggles the documents and later presents them to the poet's son Grisha (Vincent David).
Director of Photography
A 100-year-old family feud in Albania continues to target men for vengeful execution in this somber drama.
Director of Photography
Dominican friar Etienne de Bourbon visits a 13th-century French village in search of heretics for the Inquisition. Despite the opposition of the local priest and the indifference of the villagers, he finds a seemingly perfect suspect: a young woman who lives in a forest outside the village and cures people with herbs and folk remedies. In the process, he discovers the cult of the greyhound "Saint" Guinefort, and confronts his own troubled past.
Director of Photography
The efforts of an aspiring filmmaker to include an unwilling female in his production.
Director of Photography
Como homenagear em 150 segundos a Cinematéque Française, que tem 50 anos, sem filmar os 50 degraus que conduzem ao Musée du cinéma e ao auditório escuro onde se projeta obras-primas com escadarias famosas?
Director of Photography
Uma jovem andarilha morre congelada no frio do inverno francês. Sua história e principalmente seus últimos dias são contados através das pessoas que cruzaram o seu caminho.
Assistant Camera
Two half-brothers have to go on a road trip to find their half-sister and receive a huge inheritance.