Seo Hyeon-Seon


My Small Land
Production Designer
Sarya lives between three worlds: Having fled from Turkey to Japan, her small family tries to maintain their Kurdish traditions. On the other hand, Sarya, who arrived when she was five, feels at home in Japan. But then, the family loses its refugee-status. Life becomes unpredictable and their days in Japan seem numbered. A haunting story about the balancing act of finding your place in the world.
Drive My Car
Production Design
Dois anos após a morte de sua esposa, Yusuke Kafuku recebe uma oferta para dirigir uma peça num festival de teatro em Hiroshima. Lá, ele conhece Misaki, uma jovem reservada, designada para ser sua motorista. Enquanto passam tempo juntos, Kafuku confronta o mistério de sua esposa que o assombra.
Drive My Car
Production Designer
Dois anos após a morte de sua esposa, Yusuke Kafuku recebe uma oferta para dirigir uma peça num festival de teatro em Hiroshima. Lá, ele conhece Misaki, uma jovem reservada, designada para ser sua motorista. Enquanto passam tempo juntos, Kafuku confronta o mistério de sua esposa que o assombra.
Munashiidake (Just in vain)
Production Designer
A story of a married couple, Koji and Shizuko. They have purchased a piece of land to build their new home after being married for five years. Despite Koji's excitement. Shizuko stays calm. One day, Koji receives word that Shizuko has been in an accident. She was found with an unknown man when she was supposed to be traveling with her friends...