Riley Cusick


Autumn Road
10 years after a young girl goes missing on Halloween night, her sister returns to their hometown to look for answers. Along the way she becomes entangled with two mysterious identical twins who run the town's roadside haunted house.
Autumn Road
10 years after a young girl goes missing on Halloween night, her sister returns to their hometown to look for answers. Along the way she becomes entangled with two mysterious identical twins who run the town's roadside haunted house.
Autumn Road
Charlie & Vincent
10 years after a young girl goes missing on Halloween night, her sister returns to their hometown to look for answers. Along the way she becomes entangled with two mysterious identical twins who run the town's roadside haunted house.
Movie Night
A couple on their first date watch a bootleg movie and discover something dark.
Delivery Macabro
Pizza Delivery Guy
Uma entregadora de pizza com problemas financeiros precisa lutar por sua vida quando sua última entrega da noite acaba sendo para um grupo de satanistas da alta sociedade que precisam de uma virgem para um sacrifício.
Um grupo de veteranos de guerra precisa se defender e ainda cuidar de um adolescente quando um traficante decide atacar. No entanto, o inesperado é que ele possui um implacável exército de mutantes punk.
Radio Host
A man picks up a girl who's car is broken down while a killer is on the loose.
A young woman goes through a surreal identity crisis.
A young woman goes through a surreal identity crisis.
A young woman goes through a surreal identity crisis.
A young woman goes through a surreal identity crisis.
The Wild Man
A son takes care of his father with a deteriorating mental condition where he believes he's a wild animal.
The Wild Man
A son takes care of his father with a deteriorating mental condition where he believes he's a wild animal.
The Wild Man
A son takes care of his father with a deteriorating mental condition where he believes he's a wild animal.
Deep as the Sea, Blue as the Sky
Associate Producer
A young man experiences an internal crisis, on the night his mother dies.
Deep as the Sea, Blue as the Sky
A young man experiences an internal crisis, on the night his mother dies.