Featuring the Shocklosers from Super Science Showcase, this new adventure finds the gang shipped off to Camp Analog-- a summer camp that specializes in "rehabilitating" young people with destructive tech habits-- after a prank for their online channel goes too far. But everything is not quite what it seems at Camp Analog, and the Shocklosers find themselves fighting the established conformity to preserve who they really are.
A teenage girl in an evangelical church youth group must deal with the fallout when her trust is publicly betrayed.
Teen Jerry
Desde a primeira série na escola um grupo de cinco amigos têm um hábito curioso, que realizam pelo menos uma vez ao ano: brincar enlouquecidamente de pega-pega, correndo em uma partida alucinante para ser o último homem de pé ao final da brincadeira, arriscando seus empregos e relacionamentos. Neste ano, que coincide com o casamento do jogador invicto da trupe, eles farão de tudo para derrubá-lo no momento de vulnerabilidade.
After witnessing the murder of her husband and oldest son at the hands of a Confederate home guard unit, Jenny Brooks trains her remaining sons to avenge their family.
Romantic Goth Couple
A boy experiences his first crush and heartbreak with a bike-riding ice cream woman.