Nihit Bhave


The Way We Are
A husband and wife reminisce about the memories that they've hidden from each other and from themselves, and come into their own along the way.
The Way We Are
A husband and wife reminisce about the memories that they've hidden from each other and from themselves, and come into their own along the way.
In the 1990s, during a wild thunderstorm night, 12-year-old Anay dies in a road accident shortly after he sees his next-door neighbor committing a crime. Twenty-five years later, in a strange turn of events, on an identical stormy night, Antara finds herself in front of a TV set through which she attempts to save Anay’s life but her good deed causes a disturbing chain of unexpected consequences.
In the 1990s, during a wild thunderstorm night, 12-year-old Anay dies in a road accident shortly after he sees his next-door neighbor committing a crime. Twenty-five years later, in a strange turn of events, on an identical stormy night, Antara finds herself in front of a TV set through which she attempts to save Anay’s life but her good deed causes a disturbing chain of unexpected consequences.
In the 1990s, during a wild thunderstorm night, 12-year-old Anay dies in a road accident shortly after he sees his next-door neighbor committing a crime. Twenty-five years later, in a strange turn of events, on an identical stormy night, Antara finds herself in front of a TV set through which she attempts to save Anay’s life but her good deed causes a disturbing chain of unexpected consequences.
Fortuna Pelos Canos
Uma funcionária do banco sobrecarregada com as dívidas do marido desempregado - e seus próprios sonhos desfeitos - encontra uma fonte secreta de dinheiro aparentemente ilimitado em sua casa.
Quatro Histórias de Desejo
Professor 2
O filme Quatro Histórias de Desejo apresenta quatro contos sobre relacionamento, amor, sexo e ciúme na Índia moderna. As histórias retratam com muita vivacidade o cotidiano das relações amorosas. A condução do roteiro é despretensiosa, leve e divertida. Os diálogos são o ponto forte da trama e, mesmo no segundo conto, onde quase não há diálogo verbal, ele existe no olhar da protagonista e na respiração dela.