Ian Rumsey


Entrevista com Harry
Executive Producer
O príncipe Harry conversa com exclusividade com Tom Bradby às vésperas da publicação de sua explosiva autobiografia: o livro que o mundo inteiro está discutindo e debatendo.
Trevor McDonald and the Killer Nurse
Executive Producer
25 years after he first reported on it, Sir Trevor re-visits the case of Beverley Allitt, one of Britain's most prolific serial killers.
Rivers of Blood: 50 Years On
Executive Producer
An exploration of immigration in Britain over the half century since Conservative MP Enoch Powell made his controversial speech. Issues surrounding race, religion, integration and multiculturalism are examined.
Josie: The Most Hated Woman in Britain?
Executive Producer
Following fame-hungry Josie Cunningham. She's occupied the media spotlight by creating as much controversy as she can, but at what cost?