Pierre Gavarry


On Pascal
An episode of the educational TV series "En profil dans le texte" directed by Rohmer, on the French philosopher Blaise Pascal, the subject of debate in Rohmer's film "My Night at Maud’s."
Don Quichotte de Cervantes
This TV program tries to show how the illustration from the 17th to 20th century of the famous novel written by Cervantès has in the same time improved and impoverished our knowledges of this novel. Improved, because the illustration help us to discover that the physical aspect of the caracters influences the comical features and the symbolism of this masterpiece. Impoverished, because it neglected, especially since the 19th century, the representation of the age and the context, thus favoring abusive adaptations and condensations.
Perceval ou Le conte du Graal
Documentary on “Perceval, the Story of the Grail”, written by Chrétien de Troyes in the 12th century.
As Metamorfoses da Paisagem
O filme levanta questões complexas sobre o significado de paisagens modernas e as enigmáticas características de funcionalidades, tais como canais, torres e fábricas desertas. Rohmer também explora o papel da paisagem dentro de diferentes áreas, como a arte moderna e design, referindo-se a arquitetos, engenheiros e artistas.