Marilyn Faith Hickey

Marilyn Faith Hickey


Marilyn was born in Rossville, Georgia and was crowned Miss Chattanooga as a teenage contestant. She attended the University of Georgia in the early '70s where she majored in Drama, receiving high acclaim for her work there in local productions. After college she moved to Los Angeles and pursued a career of acting in which she has received a measure of success. He has worked consistently over the years.


Marilyn Faith Hickey


Já Não Me Sinto em Casa Nesse Mundo
Mrs. Hamble
Quando uma mulher deprimida é roubada, ela passa a viver com o propósito de rastrear os ladrões, ao lado de seu vizinho detestável. Porém, eles logo entendem que estão se envolvendo com um grupo perigoso de criminosos degenerados.
Wendy e Lucy
Police Administrator (as Marilyn Hickey)
Wendy está dirigindo com sua cachorra Lucy para o Alasca, na esperança de um verão de trabalho lucrativo na fábrica de conservas de peixe. Quando o carro dela quebra em Oregon, sua delicada situação financeira se desfaz, e ela enfrenta uma série de desafios cada vez mais terríveis.
Switched at Birth
Nursery Nurse
Sarah Barlow and Linda Wells are two mothers who give birth on the same day in the same hospital. Eighteen months later, a DNA test proves the infants were switched at birth by the hospital.
Margin for Murder
Mickey Spillane's hard-hitting '50s private eye, Mike Hammer, returns to television in the guise of Kevin Dobson to track down the killer of his best friend who was driving Hammer's car. Joining in the hunt are the detective's Girl Friday, the ever-hopeful Velda, and his cop friend, Pat Chambers.
Incoming Freshmen
An inocent girl from a small town arrives at a modern institution of education to complete her studies. Once there she starts various relationships with different boys.