This gripping docudrama is a fictionalized account of what could happen to a Japanese family when one of their sons shames them in front of the entire nation.
After going to prison for killing the boss of the Kanno gang, Seji Iwahashi (Tatsuya Nakadai) gets released early -- only to find that his former gang has merged with the Kannos. But with bitter resentments lingering on both sides, how long will it be before the bloodshed begins anew? Set in 1926 Japan, this serpentine crime thriller from director Hideo Gosha also stars Toshio Kurosawa and Isao Natsuyagi as Iwahashi's closest ally.
Um grupo de samurais mata todos os moradores de uma vila de pescadores. O samurai Magobei (Tatsuya Nakadai), indignado, abandona o clã, a esposa e a cidade onde morava. Três anos depois, os samurais do clã planejam um massacre semelhante e decidem matar Magobei para silenciá-lo. A partir daí começa o acerto de contas entre o clã e o ex-samurai.
Before leaving prison, Oida uncomfortably enters into an agreement with his cell mate: in exchange for a half-share of 30,000,000 yen, he is to assassinate three strangers given to him on a list. However, upon meeting his first potential victim, Oida has second thoughts. Yet, even as he tries to back out, the body count starts climbing. Oida must now try to alert the people on his list of their impending danger, and find out why they are being targeted in the first place.
Gennosuke, guerreiro de um clã, mata um dos ministros do clã como parte de um plano revolucionário. Ele é perseguido por seus companheiros que buscam desesperadamente por vingança, porém Gennosuke recebe a ajuda de um mestre espadachim que poderá dar a ele uma chance de sobreviver.