Tanya Lopert

Tanya Lopert

Nascimento : 1942-06-19, New York, New York, USA


Tanya Lopert
Tanya Lopert
Tanya Lopert


Smalltown Boys
A young man seems to be dreaming of a reality different from the business he is about to take over and the married life that goes with it; he is drawn to the spicy life of a queer vaudeville troupe performing in his village.
Dirty Kids
French seniors enroll in summer camp.
O Formidável
Paris 1967. Jean-Luc Godard, o mais influente cineasta de sua geração, está filmando `La Chinoise´ com a mulher que ama, Anne Wiazemsky, 20 anos mais jovem. Eles são felizes, atraentes, apaixonados e se casam. Mas a recepção do filme desencadeia uma profunda reflexão em Gordard. Os eventos de maio de 68 vão amplificar esse processo, e a crise que abala o cineasta irá transformá-lo profundamente, de um cineasta superstar à um artista Maoísta inteiramente fora do sistema e incompreendido.
Princess Delle Cipolle
Axèle is a photographer, Camille is a writer. They have been awarded an arts residency at the Villa Medicis in Rome. Camille is accompanied by her husband, the famous writer Marc Landré. When a strange rivalry takes shape between them, Camille bonds with Axèle. But who is Axèle really ? A total artist, who never compromises and confuses herself with her oeuvre ? Or a ghost ? This year at the Villa Medici, where bodies and souls free themselves, no one will come out unscathed.
O Homem Que Elas Amavam Demais
1976, Riviera Francesa. Renée Le Roux (Catherine Deneuve) é a dona do Palácio Mediterrâneo, um luxuoso cassino que enfrenta problemas financeiros. Disposta a tudo para que o local não seja vendido ao seu grande rival, Fratoni (Jean Corso), ela conta com a ajuda do advogado Maurice Agnelet (Guillaume Canet) e de sua filha, Agnes (Adèle Haenel), para assumir a presidência do conselho. Após a eleição, Maurice fica desapontado por não conseguir uma posição de destaque na nova organização do cassino e, com isso, deixa de assessorar Renée. Não demora muito para que ele se envolva romanticamente com Agnes e lhe apresente uma inusitada proposta: que vote contra sua própria mãe no conselho, recebendo uma alta quantia de Fratoni.
Deus da Carnificina
Michael's Mother (Telephone Voice) (voice)
Em Nova York, o casal Nancy e Alan Cowan vai até a casa de Penelope e Michael. O motivo do encontro: o filho do primeiro casal agrediu o filho do segundo. Eles tentam resolver o assunto dentro das normas da educação e civilidade, mas, aos poucos, cada um perde o controle diante da situação.
Tempos Que Mudam
Rachel Meyer
In Tangiers where he traveled for his work, a man finds the woman he loved, and attempts to revive their romance though it ended some 30 years earlier.
Pas d'amour sans amour!
After her gynecologist tells her that her current involuntary celibacy could result in her being unable to enjoy sex in the future, Eva begins to consider ways that she could take active steps to get some action going in that area. Unfortunately, none of the men she currently knows are interested in going to bed with her, including her business partner, who just might be sexually attracted to trees but certainly isn't to her. That being the case, it is particularly galling that he gets jealous at the very notion of her having sex with business clients. Eva discusses these issues (and a great deal more) with her similarly forty-ish gal-pals.
The Sky Above Paris
Suzanne has had an affair which so traumatized her that she is out of the running, romantically. Perhaps that is why she is roommates with her gay best friend, Marc. However, just because one isn't going out on dates doesn't mean never seeing or being seen by anyone, and, one day while swimming in a public pool, Suzanne is caught by surprise by a lovely young man. Her new acquaintance, Lucien, begins to spend time with her and Marc. Romance blooms among the threesome: Marc falls in love with Lucien, but he is unlucky in that: Lucien and Suzanne have become lovers.
A Few Days with Me
Madame Maillotte
Martial is discharged from a mental insitution where he spent a few years due to a serious nervous breakdown. Upon his return he finds his mother, a busy business woman who owns a supermarket chain, convinced that her son will be able to find himself again if tasked with some responsibilities. Soon enough, he's sent to Limoges on a business trip to check on one of their stores in the hope to reinvigorate the failing business. Once he arrives, Martial is faced with responsibilities he had never imagined, including dealing with the store's personnel.
Contrainte par corps
A young Frenchwoman Claire, resting with her friend on an island in the Mediterranean Sea, becoms the victim of harassment by the local police commissioner Castes. Accused for disturbing public order, and then in the drug trade, she gets to the women's prison. Vacation turns into a nightmare ...
A Culpa dos Inocentes
Mrs. Klotz
Situado em Toulon, no litoral mediterrânico, o filme tece uma complexa teia de relações entre as personagens: uma jovem vinda do norte de França, o seu irmão surdo-mudo, um maestro de meia-idade e duas figuras opostas, ligadas ao maestro: o seu jovem amante árabe e o filho, ligado a grupos de extrema-direita.
The Little Coquette
Fifteen-year-old Camille is a vulnerable and a strong-willed seductress- she chooses, she takes, she leaves; she can go very far in her desire for freedom. She is the daughter of disunited parents, Armand, a professor and Colette, an intellectual bourgeois. She manages to seduce Jean-Louis, a professor of letters of thirty-seven years, friend and colleague of her father. She makes him commit a lot of extravagance - he even dyed blond. Later she had a passion for Samuel, a former student of Jean-Louis, lout and trafficker. She is not easy, men learn at their expense, either sentimentally, as with the teacher, or that the first sexual experience come to ignite the relationship with Samuel.
The Enigmatic Mister S.
Rita Kikerman
The story of man who kills his friends during night party by toxin gas. He films the moment that the guests are breathing gas until they die. He attempts to kill other guests who didn't come to the party in several ways.
Um Homem e Uma Mulher: 20 Anos Depois
Tanya Lopert
Jean-Louis and Anne have had their fling and separated. Now 20 years have passed. He is still dating various women. She is now a big-time director whose most recent film was a very expensive bomb. She comes up with the idea of making a romance based upon her fling with Jean-Louis. She contacts him to gain his permission. Jean-Louis is still in racing and goes away for a desert rally while she begins filming. She finds the mood of their romance difficult to recapture in her film.
L'Homme aux yeux d'argent
After serving his sentence, a robber returns to his small, quiet hometown to retrieve the loot. But a ruthless Police inspector and his equally nasty young subordinate are after the criminal.
Long Live Life
The movie starts with an interview with director Claude Lelouch. He pleads viewers not to disclose the plot of the movie after leaving the projection room. Even the movie's trailer shows only a long sequence of faces gazing speechlessly in space. "Like all my movies, this one is about a man and a woman", says Lelouch in the interview.
A Friend of Vincent
Vincent is the victim of an assassination attempt carried out by a young woman who wants to avenge her sister. Albert, the childhood friend of Vincent, wants to help and begins to investigate the woman, but he realizes that Vincent is perhaps not the person he seems to be.
A Estória de Piera
Piera is a young woman who grows up under the parentage of two extremely original overseers: both her mother and father have incestuous relations with her before they are committed to insane asylums. A special connection, between a mother and her daughter, full of sensuality and complicity, has allowed to portray a family full of fears, rather unbalanced, but nevertheless searching infinite love.
Edith e Marcel
English Teacher
This tragic musical drama chronicles the star-crossed love between beloved French singer Edith Piaf and World Middleweight boxing champion Marcel Cerdan who died in a plane crash. The tumultuous affair is paralleled by the love affair of a French POW and his young pen pal who get engaged after writing to each other for four years and having never met. Their romances are framed by the sad, torchy songs of Piaf.
T'empêches tout le monde de dormir
A homeless street musician meets an attractive woman by chance and keeps following her until he persuades her to let him stay in her place.
Crônica de um Amor Louco
O poeta / palestrante Charles Serking desperta de sua neblina alcoólica o suficiente para pegar um ônibus de volta para L.A. e mergulhar em uma orgia de bebida e depravação sexual.
O Teimoso
La première dame
Guillaume has made it: A machine that can clean dirty air by simply sucking all dirt into air balloons and then shipping them far far away so his explanation. Some Japanese business guys, after dinner with a lot of alcohol, order 5,000 pieces. His only problem: His production capacity is way to small so he gets to produce the machines in his private house. His wife Bernadette is far from being happy about it. Her private life goes down the line so she decides to leave Guillaume and to finally have revenge she candidates for major against her husband...
Miss Lister
Kevin mata um idoso por piedade pois via que o velho sofria e assim desejava. No entanto, no tribunal, Claude, o implacável advogado de acusação quer que o júri mande Kevin para a cadeia. O acusado, porém, é inocentado e vê a mulher de Claude se apaixonar por ele. Quem narra este episódio é Clive, velho escritor à beira da morte que, em seu aniversário, recebe a visita dos filhos. Alain Resnais utiliza-se, mais uma vez, de dispositivos oníricos e psicanalíticos para contar uma estória.
The Game of Solitaire
A psychiatrist takes complete responsibility when his son is found floating in a swimming pool, stabbed to death. All the evidence points to a young orphan boy as the real murderer. Why is the psychiatrist claiming the murder as his own?
Rude journée pour la reine
Racconti romani di una ex-novizia
A girl who entered the convent pushed by devotion is depraved, marries, betrays her husband and becomes a courtesan.
Scandal Man
Jenny Linden
Marc, is a reporter in a tabloid. At the "Bongo Club", he photographs a young blond woman kissing a black man. This woman is the daughter of Senator Linden, head of the segregationist movement of USA.
Rum Runners
During the prohibition era, Cornelius, a bootlegger, is on the run from the American coastguards. He comes across a silent film actress, Linda, on the set of a movie and falls in love with her.
One Is Always Too Good to Women
This French farce/drama takes place in Ireland in 1916, during one of the peak periods of revolutionary violence. Seven Irish revolutionaries have taken over a post office, totally evacuating the building. Or so they think. They missed Gertie Gertel, who was in the bathroom at the time. By the time she is discovered, they are sufficiently besieged that for her own safety, she must stay with them. Gertie, it turns out, is about as pro-British as it is possible to be, and the seven take it on themselves, in the midst of battles and gunfights, to win her over to their cause.
A Little, a Lot, Passionately
Mme Keller
Ciao, Federico!
Self (uncredited)
A behind-the-scenes documentary about the filming of the Federico Fellini film, "Satyricon."
Open Letter to the Evening News
Hoping to shake up the complacent Italian Communist Party, a group of leftist radicals sends an incendiary letter to a major evening newspaper declaring their intention to volunteer to fight American troops in Vietnam as a political statement against the war.
As Mulheres
Clara se torna uma secretária que deve atender a todos os desejos do escritor mulherengo Jérôme, enquanto ele tenta escrever suas memórias.
The American
Hélène Sarrutel
A man returns to Rouen, after fifteen years in the United States, and feels like a stranger among old friends.
Satyricon de Fellini
A estória narra as aventuras e desventuras de Encolpio e Ascilto, pelo afeto de Gitão (Gitone), que após ser vendido a um ator de teatro, é resgatado por Encolpio mas escolhe ficar com Ascilto. Rejeitado, Encolpio é salvo do próprio suicídio por um terremoto, e a partir daí começa uma jornada que tem por pano de fundo uma galeria de artes onde conhece o poeta Eumolpo, e o acompanha até um bacanal promovido por um aristocrata com pretenções artísticas, mas que despreza a própria esposa pela companhia de um menino. Pedofilia, homossexualidade, antropofagia, rituais diversos, numa Babel de culturas, que nos desafiam a ver uma Roma Clássica que, sob os valores de hoje, seria amoral e decadente.
Les gauloises bleues
La Mort
The harsh life of a troubled young man provides the basis of this grim French tragedy that begins when the fellow stops into a shop to buy a pack of the title cigarettes. There he meets a pretty shop girl with whom he falls in love and eventually marries. It was a foolish choice, for the two cannot get along and constantly fight. Things get worse when the husband resumes his criminal activities and gets caught. The two are about to divorce when the woman gets pregnant. The time comes for their baby to be born and while sitting in the waiting room, the husband reflects upon his past activities, which are revealed via flashback.
Crime Thief
Bar Patron
A man witnesses a suicide and starts imagining that it was a murder committed by himself.
The Devil by the Tail
In this comedy, a run-down hotel drums up customers by sabotaging passing cars. The stuck motorists are then obliged to stay. Unfortunately, one of the sabotaged cars belongs to a bank robber. The hotel staff wants the robber out, but they also want to keep his ill-gotten money.
Listen, Let's Make Love
Flavia Menobo
When his father dies, young lad travels to Milan to attend the funeral and decides to follow in his father's footsteps as a gigolo. He is successful at finding rich women to prey on, but finds himself caught up in a bidding war.
Over the course of one night, a gang of twelve criminals carry out a commando-like raid on a small town.
Joe, o Pistoleiro Implacável
Navajo Joe é o único sobrevivente de um massacre que destruiu toda a sua tribo indígena. Agora, ele está decidido a se vingar de seus agressores e do homem que matou a sua família.
Rita the Mosquito
Rita, a vivacious co-ed is in love with her music teacher, a man who leads a double life - bespectacled professor by day and composer of rock songs by night. Will Rita win his heart?
O Mundo Jovem
Anne, a beautiful free-lance photographer, meets with the French medical student Carlo and falls in love. After a passionate love affair Anne becomes pregnant. Now the formerly free-wheeling Carlo finds himself facing a difficult situation. Carlo decides that Anne should abort the child. To raise enough cash Carlo sleeps with a wealthy older woman. Then Ann decides to annul the abortion.
Lady L
Lady L is an elegant 80-year-old woman who recalls her amorous life story, including past loves and lusty, scandalous adventures she has lived through.
Crime no Carro Dormitório
Madame Garaubert
Six people travel by train overnight from Marseilles to Paris. When the train arrives at its destination, one of the passengers, a girl, is found dead in a sleeping berth. The police led by Inspector Grazzi investigate the other five passengers, suspecting that one of them was responsible. However, as the investigation is stepped up, the other passengers start turning up dead. It is then up to the last remaining two to solve the case, before they become the next victims.
O Que É Que Há Gatinha?
Miss Lewis
Um playboy que se recusa a desistir de seu estilo de vida hedonista para se estabelecer e se casar com seu verdadeiro amor busca ajuda de um psicanalista demente que, por sua vez, está tendo seus próprios problemas românticos.
The Secret Killer
A girl
A true story of Peter Kurten, a serial killer who committed nine murders and many other offenses in Dusseldorf during the Great Depression era.
A Caça ao Homem
A few stories about a marriages and it's problems.
A Mouse with the Men
Une amie de Lucky
Marcel and Francis are busy people. Marcel owns a café and spend all his nights running from meetings to meetings with members from the high society... at least, that's what he say to his barman! Francis leaves his home, loving wife and adorable daughter, frequently to attend meetings and demonstration with customers. His boss trusts him so much that his agenda is always full... at least, that's what he say to his wife! In fact, Marcel and Francis' incomes come from their night job: thieves! Here at least, they are professional. Troubles arise when, during one robbery, they encounter a young, high-pitched voice, candid girl who takes the decision to become their associate in crime... for the fun!
O Filho de Hercules Contra o Diabo do Deserto
Slave Girl
Anthar não descansará enquanto não fizer justiça! Em clima de 1001 Noites e locações na Argélia, Kirk Morris é Anthar, o filho do mitológico Hércules, empenhado em libertar um reino do deserto das mãos de Ganor (Mario Feliciani), tirano ambicioso e diabólico, que assassinou o soberano e mantém os herdeiros como reféns. Os pontos altos desta aventura são as acrobáticas lutas de espada, o herói enfrentando um rinoceronte e o confronto final num labirinto de espelhos, inspirado em A Dama de Xangai (The Lady from Shanghai, 1947), de Orson Welles.
Summer Night
Novia de Enrique
Barcelona in the early sixties: black and white chronicle of the ups and downs in the relationship of several young couples of the Catalan bourgeoisie during the time between two Saint John's eve festivals.
Contessa Medioli
Strip-tease has a pleasing Paris setting and a convincing strip club atmosphere, where a roster of exotic dancers do their thing. Making the club atmosphere work is the animated Dany Saval, as a charming gossip and outspoken cheerleader for the art of the strip-tease. Berthe encourages Ariane to loosen up and enjoy what she's doing.
Os Filhos do Trovão
An evil king makes a bargain with a devil in order to get away with murdering his wife.
A Greve do Sexo
Quando os homens de uma aldeia siciliana começam a ficar obcecados pela arrebatadora parteira loira Jessica (Angie Dickinson), as mulheres furiosas se revoltam ao se recusarem a fazer sexo com seus maridos. Enquanto o padre local (Maurice Chevalier) tenta encorajar a procriação, Jessica se apaixona por um recluso astuto (Gabriele Ferzetti). Uma adaptação de um romance de Flora Sandstrom, esta charmosa comédia também apresenta Noel-Noel como um veterano casamenteiro.
Quando a Vida é Cruel
Uma jovem vítima de estupro tenta desesperadamente juntar os pedaços de sua vida, apenas para depois se ver à mercê de um pretenso salvador. Mary Ann Robinson, uma jovem mulher morando no Bronx, Nova York, com sua mãe neurótica e dominadora e seu gentil mas ineficaz padrasto, é estuprada enquanto caminhava para casa uma noite. Guardando o ataque para si mesma, Mary Ann foge, procurando perder-se em Manhattan, alugando um apartamento miserável e tendo um emprego em uma loja de produtos de dez centavos. Abatida pela hostilidade das pessoas e seu próprio desespero, Mary Ann tenta pular da Ponte de Manhattan, apenas para ser impedida por Mike, um mecânico de garagem que a leva para seu modesto apartamento num porão próximo. No início apreciou a bondade de Mike, mas Mary Ann fica aterrorizada quando ele se recusa a deixá-la ir. Mike é realmente o salvador de Mary Ann - ou ele é apenas outro estuprador?
Quando o Coração Floresce
Teenage Girl
Middle-aged Ohio secretary Jane Hudson has never found love and has nearly resigned herself to spending the rest of her life alone. But before she does, she uses her savings to finance a summer in romantic Venice, where she finally meets the man of her dreams, the elegant Renato Di Rossi.