Amidst a mandatory quarantine, a young woman living in isolation battles against her growing paranoia and deteriorating mental health as her fear of the outside world drives her deeper inwards.
Claire tells the police officer, "It was all Jo's idea." But who's Jo? Jo is the bright spark in Claire’s recently darkened reality; a new friend in an otherwise isolated world. The two young women hit the town to let off some steam-and find themselves in trouble with local law enforcement. In the blink of an eye, Claire discovers that Jo is not what she seems-not at all-and her easy friendship with the lighthearted, young woman splits open to reveal the truth. Luminously shot in black and white, Josephine Doe is a raw exploration of family trauma and mental health that shows the thin line between our realities.
Second Assistant Camera
Rich (Curtis 50 Cent) é um ambicioso criminoso que vê, no
tráfico de armas, a oportunidade que esperava para crescer nos negócios
ilegais. Recentemente libertado da prisão, um antigo amigo (Val Kilmer) é o
braço direito que ele precisava para fechar uma grande negociação. Mas essa
relação entre os dois vai revelar segundas intenções e colocar, em dúvida,
não só a lealdade que aparentemente os une, mas também os limites da